
MSc Gregor Novak

MSc Gregor Novak


SNC币 · 能源行业智能合约平台

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Gregor has nearly 20 years’ experience in the Power Industry, having worked in two most national important and complex electricity companies in Slovenia. First worked in the initial team to establish company BORZEN, Slovenian power market operator and regional power exchange (now spin-off to BSP SouthPool) as system administrator and chief information officer. Than he took over ICT department at ELES, transmission system operator, the guardian of Slovenia’s electric power transmission system, which is closely connected to the transmission networks of neighbouring countries and integrated into the European energy system. After decade of experiences, Gregor continued to establish SONCE Group, an EPC and IPP companies working in European Union and Middle East. SONCE completed more than 130 solar energy turnkey projects. SONCE Group also invested many millions EUR in solar and energy efficiency project. Gregor has built wealth of skill and experience in the areas of electricity utility management, process management, regulatory framework of electricity sector, technical operations, information and communication specifics in power engineering sector and blockchain technologies.


