据悉,LBank将于2020年8月25日16:00上线「LBK101计划」PDF(Port of DeFi Network)双场售卖。总量200万USDT等值的PDF待售,分为普通售卖专场和LBK专场。售卖截止至8月25日18:00,持续两个小时。完成售卖上线交易后的6天内基金会将以售卖价格的101%进行全额托单。据了解,Port of DeFi Network是一个基于以太坊的去中心化资产价值交互金融服务网络,旨在充当以太坊资产与现实世界资产之间的港口,使用Price Oracle作为DeFi底层借贷协议的数据支持,从而实现资产之间的借贷抵押获取利率收入,最终实现现实世界资产与数字货币之间真正安全、自由、透明的进行多资产价值交互,为全球范围内的任意个体提供经济自由和投资自由的机会。 ...展开
据悉,LBank「LBK Solar AVAX」售卖专场已于7月24日18:00 (UTC+8)结束,共有2,606个通过KYC认证的LBank账户下单申购,下单总价值超494.98万USDT,总成交金额2万USDT,认购成交比例0.404%,超额部分将退回。成交部分的USDT将实际用于回购销毁LBK。LBank将根据个人申购金额占总下单金额的比例进行实际认购额度分发。AVAX/USDT交易对将于7月24日20:00(UTC+8)上线LBank。更多详情请关注LBank官网公告。 ...展开
LBank ganna release its own exchange token "LBK" on August 1, 2019, with a total circulation of 2 billion, which will never be issued additionally. The initial issue includes 3 rounds, with a total number of 1.2 billion LBK. Currently, the LBK token is a decentralized blockchain digital asset based on Ethereum, which is a standard token based on the Ethereum ERC20 protocol. In the future, LBK will benefit from the blockchain technology and digital financial operation capabilities of LBank, and combined with the community-based autonomy concept, mapped to the emerging blockchain network that is in line with LBK's financial ecology, for free circulation and credibility. exchange.