Overstock旗下证券代币平台tZERO今天宣布,tZEROATS开始支持St.RegisAspen数字证券的二级交易,这标志着该平台支持的首个第三方证券。此外,这是第一个在受监管平台上利用Tezos区块链进行的数字证券交易。这些股份代表着St. Regis Aspen Resort约19%的所有权,St. Regis Aspen Resort是一家位于美国科罗拉多州阿斯彭的五星级酒店,拥有179间客房。(Businesswire ...展开
"Atlas DEX is a cross-chain DEX built on the Solana blockchain with the main purpose of providing users with aggregated liquidity through a single user-friendly UI.
Atlas DEX works by charting the current price-info of DEXs on multiple connected chains. Then, when a user places an order, Atlas will aggregate liquidity across chains to provide users with the best price.
Atlas DEX’s ability to aggregate liquidity and give traders an easy way to take advantage of this capability makes it an attractive draw for users, and could help position it as the leading aggregator of the cross-chain trading landscape. With Solana’s fast transactions and low fees, Atlas DEX is able to provide several key features that makes it an attractive choice for traders by providing the best user experience and prices possible.
Going forward, Atlas DEX will provide users with access to liquidity across all supported DEXs and blockchains with a click."