The Sandbox在其官方推文中宣布,为了更新LAND智能合约和LAND桥接合约,最近在执行维护操作时暂停了LAND桥接功能。目前所有更新均已完成,桥接功能已重新上线,桥接智能合约已经通过OpenZeppelin的审核。所有LAND都可以双向桥接,无论它们是在以太坊还是Polygon上铸造。 ...展开
【隐私区块Findora公布《Land, Labor, and Capitol》为其最新受资助者】金色财经报道,隐私区块Findora官方宣布链游《Land, Labor, and Capitol》为其最新受资助者,该游戏将利用Findora的零知识技术来平衡隐私与分布式、可审计的状态,目前Pre-alpha版本已经在 Polygon测试网上线,并且很快也将于今年三季度在Findora的测试网上线。 ...展开
【隐私区块链Findora公布《Land, Labor, and Capitol》为其最新受资助者】金色财经报道,隐私区块链Findora官方宣布链游《Land, Labor, and Capitol》为其最新受资助者,该游戏将利用Findora的零知识技术来平衡隐私与分布式、可审计的状态,目前Pre-alpha版本已经在 Polygon测试网上线,并且很快也将于今年三季度在Findora的测试网上线。 ...展开
RPG链游Illuvium宣布,其移动和桌面配套游戏Illuvium: Zero已开放Windows、Mac和Android设备的下载,持有 Illuvium Land NFT的用户可以进入游戏进行Private Alpha测试。此外,在Alpha测试开始后的6至8周之后,所有玩家数据都会重置,第0赛季将结束。在此期间获得的物品和燃料不会延续到第1赛季及以后。 此前报道,Illuvium: Zero预计将分为两个赛季,第0赛季目前计划持续6到8周。第0赛季结束后,游戏将进入第1赛季,一直持续到公测阶段。 ...展开
2022-12-29 星期四
链游The Lost Land完成200万美元种子轮融资,将于明年年初公开发布
链游The Lost Land宣布完成200万美元种子轮融资,具体融资细节暂未公布。 据悉,链游The Lost Land由Monster Labs开发,融合了多种元素,如角色扮演、整体战斗和战略制定。目前,游戏的Alpha测试已经完成该游戏正在进行Beta测试,将于明年年初公开发布。此外,The Lost Land计划在2023年正式在CEX上市其代币,还将启动NFT质押以及租赁程序,还计划在Binance NFT市场上出售相关NFT盲盒。 ...展开
2022-10-28 星期五
Gucci在The Sandbox中成立元宇宙中心“Gucci Vault Land”
10月27日消息,奢侈品巨头 Gucci 宣布在 The Sandbox 中推出元宇宙中心“Gucci Vault Land”,Gucci 也因此成为第一个在 The Sandbox 虚拟世界中拥有专门用于 Web3 产品的主流时尚品牌。Gucci 于今年二月首次在 The Sandbox 购入虚拟地块,Gucci Vault Land 已于今天正式上线并将开放至 11 月 9 日,作为 Gucci Web3 战略核心,其中将展出 Gucci 复古单品和 NFT。(nftgators) ...展开
Landshare is a DeFi platform on the Binance Smart Chain offering a hassle-free alternative to traditional real estate investments. Featuring asset-based stablecoin vaults, a utility token, house flipping pools and a governance protocol, Landshare offers a full fledged DeFi platform based on US real estate assets. Simply stake your stablecoins in our Property Vault to earn yields based on the rental value and appreciation of assets, or invest in our house flipping pools to earn a lump sum payout.
The utility token of the platform is the Landshare Token. The token is earned as a reward for staking in the Property Vault and is required to access all platform features. The token features several price-stability elements, such as limited minting, buybacks, presale vesting, token burns, and supply cap. Additional utilities of the token include governance voting, staking, and charitable fundraising.
The flagship feature of the Landshare platform is the Property Vault. The Property Vault is a BUSD-based vault whose capacity is tied to the market value of Landshare’s referenced real estate assets. Investing in the vault entitles investors to stablecoin yields based on regional rental rates and property value appreciation of the referenced assets. In addition to stablecoin payouts, stakers also receive Landshare tokens and a bonus generated from yield farms for a combined average APR of 20-40%.