Immutable Games 的旗舰手机奇幻 RPG 游戏 Guild of Guardians 将在全球 Google Play Store 和 Apple Store 上线。为此,Immutable Games 将提供价值高达 100 万美元的游戏 GOG 代币奖励。
据悉,Guild of Guardians 拥有超过 100 万的预注册用户。(The Block) ...展开
Guild of Guardians is a mobile RPG where players take teams of heroes through challenging dungeons to collect resources. These resources are used to create valuable items and heroes which can be sold for real money. Players will work together to create the best squad of Guardians, contribute to their Guild, and strategise to complete the most challenging content in the game.
The game is set in a familiar, fantasy RPG world where players can play as mages, warriors, elves, orcs and more!
GOG (also called Gems) is an ERC-20 token for the game used when players want to perform “premium” actions that involve creating new blockchain assets.