

更新时间 · 16:20:43 作者:链接王者99

区块链一直在自我发展和自我革新造就以太坊应运而生。随着时间推进,以太坊又因为交易手续费高,网络拥堵,所以采用分片和并行化等技术打造的下一代区块链技术应运而生。而波卡,就是区块链技术发展变革的一个典型,然而随着波卡的名气越来越大,打着 “波卡生态” 的旗号出来圈钱的垃圾项目也越来越多了,为了防止大家上当受骗,我们梳理了部分波卡生态项目,希望能够对大家有所帮助。


# 名称
# 名称 全称 美元价格 涨幅(24h) 流通市值$ 成交额$ 总发行量 发行价 24H最高价 24H最低价 涨幅(7D) 涨幅(30D) 更新时间
1 DOT Dotcoin $5.88
0.45 %
80.7亿 8241万 3.1亿 $0 $5.90 $5.78
-7.22 %
1.22 %
2024-07-27 16:20:36
2 LIT Litentry $0.74
2.77 %
4178万 1400万 1亿 $4.36693 $0.81 $0.71
0 %
0 %
2024-07-27 16:20:07
3 KSM Kusama $21.98
3.66 %
3.3亿 1130万 1000万 $1.72 $22.01 $20.93
0 %
0 %
2024-07-27 16:20:19
4 DIA DIA $0.38
1.41 %
4190万 448万 1.7亿 $0 $0.38 $0.37
0 %
0 %
2024-07-27 16:20:06
5 ANKR Ankr $0.03
2.49 %
3亿 437万 100亿 $0 $0.03 $0.03
0 %
0 %
2024-07-27 16:20:19
6 PHA Phala Network $0.13
1.1 %
9341万 409万 10亿 $0 $0.13 $0.12
0 %
0 %
2024-07-27 16:20:18
7 MXC 极域 $0.00890
1.58 %
2168万 390万 26.6亿 $0 $0.01 $0.01
0 %
0 %
2024-07-27 16:20:35
8 KDA Kadena $0.61
1.59 %
1.6亿 233万 10亿 $0 $0.61 $0.59
-2.78 %
9.34 %
2024-07-27 16:20:06
9 FIS StaFi $0.37
2.79 %
5368万 137万 1亿 $0.15 $0.38 $0.36
-6.18 %
-3.22 %
2024-07-27 16:20:06
10 POLS Polkastarter $0.29
-0.27 %
2910万 129万 1亿 $0.228 $0.30 $0.29
-12.47 %
-46.11 %
2024-07-27 16:20:35
11 DORA 铜锣烧 $0.08
-7.56 %
39万 79万 100亿 $0 $0.08 $0.08
-15.47 %
-36.93 %
2024-07-27 16:20:06
12 OCEAN 海洋协议 $0.55
1.61 %
3.6亿 64万 6.1亿 $0.12 $0.56 $0.54
-13.92 %
-16.02 %
2024-07-27 16:20:00
13 CRU Crust Network $0.58
2.5 %
1746万 57万 2619万 $0 $0.61 $0.56
-11.76 %
-11.42 %
2024-07-27 16:20:06
14 DOCK Dock $0.00308
-5.38 %
0 15万 10亿 $0.0833 $0.00 $0.00
-56.78 %
-85.2 %
2024-07-27 16:20:06
15 BONDLY Forj(Bondly) $0.00285
1.93 %
279万 4万 9.8亿 $0 $0.00 $0.00
-8.02 %
-9.16 %
2024-07-27 16:19:18
16 KONO Konomi Network $0.00956
1.36 %
35万 3万 1亿 $1 $0.01 $0.01
-20.91 %
-26.38 %
2024-07-27 16:19:19
17 SGB SubGame $0.00908
7.59 %
0 2万 5亿 $0 $0.01 $0.01
2.07 %
2.24 %
2024-07-27 16:20:03
18 CHI XAYA $0.06
0.69 %
307万 1万 7730万 $0 $0.06 $0.06
3.96 %
-11.94 %
2024-07-27 16:18:14
19 XRT $3.83
-2.37 %
1105万 8188.64 891万 $0 $4.48 $3.76
-9.75 %
-20.23 %
2024-07-27 16:19:18
  • 基于Substrate
  • DeFi
  • WEB3基金会赞助
  • 预言机
  • NFT
  • DAO
  • 跨链桥
  • 去中心化交易所
  • 工具
  • 钱包
  • 基础设施
  • 开发
  • 验证器
  • 区块浏览器
  • 社区
  • 学术知识
  • DAPP
  • Astar Network

    Astar is the Polkadot-native dApp hub supporting Ethereum, WebAssembly, dApp Staking, and Layer2 solutions

  • Totem

    Real time accounting for Substrate

  • Polkadot

    The Rust client is developed by Parity Technologies in concert with their work on Substrate

  • Supercomputing System

    Substrate Transaction Privacy using Intel SGX

  • Kusama

    A canary network for Polkadot experiments

  • pLIBRA

    Bridge between Polkadot and a Libra chain

  • Katal

    Standard Framework for Finance

  • Bifrost Finance

    Bifrost is the DeFi and Staking service for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both.

  • Caelum Labs

    Decentralised identity modules

  • Dock

    Verifiable Credentials

  • Centrifuge

    Decentralized Asset Finance

  • Litentry

    Litentry is a Web3.0 identity aggregation protocol that enables corss-chain credit computations.

  • Wiv

    Unique Asset Trading Platform

  • Cap9

    A low-level security protocol and framework for smart contracts

  • Gunclear

    Private secure data storage solution using Plasma Cash in Substrate

  • Mailchain

    A Multi-Blockchain Messaging Application

  • Acala Network

    Acala is the all-in-one DeFi hub of Polkadot

  • Laminar

    Open finance platform, powering synthetic assets and margin trading.

  • Bandot

    Bandot is a decentralized and smart contract management stable coin that holders can use to collateralize their flowable digital assets.

  • SubSocial

    A Substrate module with web UI that allows anyone to launch a decentralized censorship-resistant community on their own blockchain.

  • Shift

    Shift combines the transparency, immutability and decentralization of blockchain with distributed hosting

  • Stafi

    Liquid Your Staking Assets. Eliminating the risk of price fluctuations when staking.

  • MediLedger

    An Open and Decentralized Network for the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

  • Polymesh

    A blockchain built specifically for security tokens.

  • DatDot

    p2p solution for hosting files with Dat protocol

  • OAX Foundation

    Making DeFi easy with Substrate

  • Celer Network

    The Most Advanced Layer-2 Scaling Platform

  • Phala Network

    Blockchain Confidentiality by Trusted Computing

  • Interlay

    Interlay is making decentralized finance interoperable. On Polkadot, Interlay is designing the bridge-parachain infrastructure and is building the BTC-Parachan - a trustless bridge between Bitcoin and Polkadot (supported by a Web3 Foundation grant)

  • Social.Network

    Uniting human potential to create a better future

  • Nodle IoT

    World’s largest ecosystem of connected devices, providing low cost, secure wireless infrastructure + data insights for enterprises, manufactures & smart cities

  • GameDAO

    crowd finance for videogames, creative content, digital arts, gaming, e-sports

  • radicle

    Secure peer-to-peer code collaboration without intermediaries

  • Encointer

    Encointer provides a platform for local community cryptocurrencies featuring a universal basic income (UBI). A novel proof-of-personhood protocol provides a decentralized identity and ensures that the UBI is only paid to humans - and only once per month.

  • DataHighway

    DataHighway is an Inter-Chain data market for IoT and Data Storage blockchains.

  • Moonbeam

    Decentralized and permissionless, Moonbeam provides an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications.

  • Dipole

    Dipole aims to build a reliable and efficient platform to trade distributed energy.

  • Crust Network

    A Decentralized Cloud Blockchain Technology on Polkadot

  • RioDeFi

    Rio Chain is built for DeFi with the security, speed, scalability, accessibility, and interoperability needed to connect traditional finance to blockchains.

  • IPSE

    IPSE is an application chain based on Susbtrate which makes full use of hard disk mining. Conjugated PoC mining make it easy for everyone to participate in mining.Decentralized storage of data and index service.

  • TransX

    Digital currency aggregation payment platform. TransX leads the aggregate payment of digital currencies. TransX provides great DCEP supporting services. TransX mining to get reward through payment.

  • Equilibrium

    The first cross-chain money market that combines pooled lending with synthetic asset generation and trading.

  • Kulupu

    Kulupu is a self-updating self-governed blockchain system, using proof-of-work as its consensus engine. Kulupu is built with the Substrate framework. It is one of the first blockchains that combine proof-of-work consensus engine with forkless upgrades.

  • Sora

    Sora is a Decentralized Autonomous Economy chain

  • Keysians Network (KEN)

    Keysians financializes infrastructural assets for maximizing efficiency of consensus and boosting onchain application usage. Keysians builds a financial channel to turn onchain assets into flexible and tradable financial products.

  • Patract

    Patract provides solutions for Polkadot's Wasm Parachain Contract ecosystem.

  • Reef Chain

    Reef Finance is building Reef Chain, a DeFi blockchain built using Substrate Framework.

  • Acuity Social

    Fully decentralized social media platform built with substrate, Polkadot and IPFS.

  • cdot

    Cdot addresses key barriers of blockchain interoperation: trust minimal, economic sustainable and standardization.

  • Joystream

    The video platform DAO.

  • Zentachain

    ZENTA (CHAIN) is a substrate-based, forkless POS blockchain for communication and data storage.

  • MathChain

    MathChain is the SmartWallet AppChain based on Substrate.

  • Listen

    Listen is a voice social software based on data decentralized storage technology and Substrate blockchain technology.

  • Kylin Network

    Building a Cross-chain Platform Powering the Data Economy on Polkadot

  • DeFi DAO

    DeFi DAO, initiated by DDAO Labs,aims to build an open financial network. DeFi DAO enables customers equal access to a practical and simple DeFi market where everyone can enjoy safe diversified financial services without borders.

  • Snowfork

    A trustless, general purpose Polkadot <> Ethereum bridge!

  • Bestay

    The blockchain technology application platform, that provides the best solution for accommodation and booking

  • Bondly

    Agile P2P transactions across any blockchain

  • Zenlink

    Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.

  • Definex

    A financial market protocol

  • OpenSquare Network

    Opensquare is an application-oriented blockchain product based on substrate, which focuses on decentralized collaboration. On opensquare platform, users can start collaboration, update collaboration progress, end collaboration.

  • Zeropool

    Private transactions on Polkadot

  • Polkadex

    Polkadex Orderbook is a non-custodial peer-to-peer trading platform that merges the benefits of both centralized and decentralized exchanges in one product.

  • Unique Network

    Unique Network is the next generation NFT blockchain built on Polkadot and Kusama relay chains, specifically optimized for NFT use cases.

  • Polimec

    Decentralized community-driven funding protocol for Web3.

  • Coinversation Protocol

    Coinversation Protocol is a synthetic asset issuance protocol and decentralised contract trading exchange based on the Polkadot contract chain.

  • PolkaOracle

    PolkaOracle is a flexible, self-evolving oracle network built on Polkadot, providing applications or smart contracts with customized real-time on-chain data feeding services.

  • ABmatrix

    Bridge between Polkadot and Filecoin. Also working on Crust on storage related modeuls.

  • Advanca

    Privacy-Preserving Infrastructure for Dapps

  • Plain Finance

    Decentralised Payment Gateway & Venture Capital System Earning staking profit, spend or send cash and digital currency anywhere instantly

  • Evercity

    Digital platform for impact measurement, management and investment

  • DMScript

    DMScript is a blockchain-gaming company dedicated to backing and releasing video game-related projects.

  • ZK Oracle

    Zk-Oracle is a Polkadot-based privacy-preserving oracle network, aiming to expand the application areas of Web3 applications in real business environments.

  • PolkaCover

    PolkaCover is the the First Insurance marketplace for purchasing policies securing your Crypto, Defi & NFT Assets.

  • DEGO Finance

    DEGO Finance is a cross-chain finance platform, powering Synthetic Assets and GameFi.

  • Deeper Network

    Decentralized communication network for Web 3.0

  • Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist is an evolving blockchain for prediction markets and futarchy.

  • Summa Network

    First Decentralized Mid-Point Dark Pool protocol based on Substrate

  • DIA

    DIA (Decentralised Information Asset) is an open-source, financial information platform that utilises crypto economic incentives to source and validate data. Market actors can supply, share, and use financial and digital asset data.

  • Ares Protocol

    Ares protocol is a random Oracle solution built on substrate, which supports hybrid BABE and Off-Chain Worker.

  • SubDAO

    SubDAO Network is a Cross-chain Platform built by SubDAO Labs to link DAO and DApp on Polkadot. It will be the infrastructure to maintain DAO and link DApp with DAO in the world of Web3.0 powered by Substrate and Polkadot.


    Mangata is the one-stop shop for trading and investing into Polkadot assets.

  • Konomi

    Konomi is a decentralised liquidity and money market protocol for cross-chain crypto assets.

  • Manta Network

    Manta Network is a privacy-preserving, interoperable decentralized exchange built on Substrate.

  • TrustBase

    Polkadot Parachain Based on Independent Smart Contract Language Subscript

  • Idavoll network

    Idavoll Network is an decentralized organization platform that provides infrastructure and services to users of the Idavoll Network and Polkadot ParaChains.

  • MAP Protocol

    MAP Protocol is an open, fully decentralized, chain-to-chain interoperation protocol that enables the interoperability of multiple independently verifiable consensus blockchains without a relay chain.

  • Shadows Network

    Shadows is a decentralized synthetic asset issuance protocol debeloped based on Substrate.

  • Clover Finance

    Clover, Polkadot-Based All-Round DeFi Service Platform, is committed to providing easy-to-use blockchain infrastructure and creating a one-stop comprehensive infrastructure platform.

  • Hazel

    A New Generation of Verifiable Oracle Machine Based on Polkadot

  • zCloak Network

    The zCloak Network provides Zero-Knowledge Proof as a service to other parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem. It uses a zk-STARK virtual machine to enable data privacy protection via self-proving computations.

  • Karura

    The all-in-one DeFi hub of Kusama

  • SherpaX

    SherpaX, an independent research and development network where new innovative ideas and technological experiments of ChainX will be first carried out on.

  • HydraDX


  • TIDAL Finance

    Insure assets across chains in custom balanced liquidity pools

  • Paralink

    Multi-chain oracle platform for DeFi application powered by Polkadot.

  • DeFinsur

    Staking-driven Cross-chain DeFi Insurance Protocol built on Polkadot, aiming to empower DeFi services by offering the unique model of "Staking-as-insured" covers which are reliable and profitable.

  • Shiden

    Shiden Network, a canary network of Plasm. We will deploy the network on Kusama.

  • Raze Network

    Raze Network is a Substrate-based cross-chain privacy protocol for the Polkadot ecosystem. It is built as a native privacy layer that can provide end-to-end anonymity for the entire DeFi stack.

  • ETHA Lend

    ETHA Lend is a composable protocol that abstracts the complexity in DeFi to provide algorithmically optimal yield, currently deployed on Ethereum with our plan to integrate with Polkadot via cooperating with Clover.Finance to be SubstrateBased.

  • SubGame

    SubGame is a development team that build a public chain with cross-chain interoperability and provides various types of application scenarios to create a common cross-chain features in gaming industry.

  • BitCountry

    Start your own NFT virtual world for your followers.

  • StoneDefi

    Stone will be built on Ethereum and then Substrate to deliver the best value for users

  • Compound Gateway

    The open, distributed ledger for cross-chain interest rate markets

  • Efinity

    Next-generation Blockchain for NFTs Scalable, decentralized, cross-chain network designed to bring non-fungible tokens to everyone.

  • Automata Network

    Empowering today's dApps with seamless privacy and high assurance

  • PolkaBTC

    The trustless #XCLAIM Bitcoin-Polkadot bridge. Built by Interlay ( in collaboration with Parity Technologies and supported by Web3 Foundation grants.

  • Standard Protocol

    Standard Protocol is Polkadot's stablecoin for synthetic assets, building a new paradigm for a liquidity aggregation platform.

  • Ternoa

    Ternoa is an NFT-Based decentralized data transmission blockchain via Polkadot. It enables important data to be transmitted in an extremely secure way through "Time Capsules." We are also creating a Polkadot NFT marketplace for Ternoa Time Capsules.

  • BitGreen

    BitGreen, a decentralized nonprofit organization incorporated in Wyoming U.S.A, was founded in 2017 as a community-driven project aimed at providing a sustainable alternative to Bitcoin. BitGreen to migrate its project and join the Substrate ecosystem.

  • Neatcoin

    A dedicated blockchain for experimenting things.


    As the first blockchain ad-tech support platform on polkadot, Jambo has been committed to creating a transparent and credible decentralized advertising industry value ecology.

  • Rococo

    Polkadot’s Parachain Testnet

  • Moonriver

    Solidity Smart Contracts on Kusama

  • Parallel

    The first lending and staking protocol on top of Polkadot ecosystem

  • Uniarts Network

    UniArts is a substrate based blockchain network offers infrastructure for the creation, auction and circulation of NFTs as well as a customized NPOS that provides incentives for NFT creation and appreciation.

  • X Predict Market

    X Predict Market is a decentralized cross-chain prediction platform designed to provide diversified, automated, safety-oriented, high-yield, socialized forecasting services.

  • Basin Logix

    A blockchain based platform for natural resource management and governance.

  • ParaState

    Write Ethereum-compatible smart contracts in popular programming languages, & run them much faster, on Polkadot. A decentralized open source business model funded by developer treasuries on participating parachains.

  • Vera Protocol

    Vera is an open protocol that enables peer-to-peer DeFi use cases of digital and real-world NFT assets on the blockchain.

  • Nuts Finance

    Issue digital financial instruments on the blockchain and launch your own proprietary peer-to-peer exchange markets.

  • Parami


  • Sunrise Protocol

    Sunrise Protocol is creating an open decentralized financial framework built on Polkadot.

  • OxyDev


  • NewOmega

    Blockchain Game That Never Ends. Templated using Elastos Trinity.

  • AlgoCash

    An algorithmic stablecoin

  • Valiu Liquidity Network

    VLN is the chain optimized for on&off-ramps, that is, easy swapping of fiat for cryptocurrency, notoriously for USDv the stablecoin-backed stablecoin that allows Valiu users in Latin America protect themselves from hyperinflation and send money back home.

  • Cycan Network

    Cycan is a decentralized cross-chain asset management platform to provide investors with easy access to digital asset investment allocation tools with multiple DeFi protocols to invest, issue and manage decentralized funds in safe and independent ways.

  • Plutos Network

    Plutos Network is a cross-chain synthetic issuance and derivative trading platform which introduces mining incentives and Staking rewards to users. Built on leading Blockchains including Polkadot, enabling on-chain & cross-chain liquidity and trading.

  • Evanesco

    Evanesco is based on Polkadot ecology, committed to building the next generation of decentralized new privacy financial ecology protocol family in a fair and reliable way.

  • ELP

    Everlasting Parachain(ELP) is the canary network of the Cycan Network, will be connected to the Kusama and BSC network. ELP is a decentralized cross-chain asset management platform with the same features as the Cycan Network but focusing on the NFT market.

  • Punk Network

    Punk.Network is a high-performance NFT-Friendly mainnet based on the Substrate architecture with NPoS (Nominated Proof of Stakes) as the consensus mechanism.

  • Zenchain Protocol

    A Dedicated Blockchain That Is Optimized Specifically For DeFi And NFTs

  • Skyrim Finance

    Skyrim Finance is the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Marketplace aiming to build the Robo-Advisor of DeFi ecosystem to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted return through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.

  • Genshiro

    An interoperable DeFi conglomerate on Kusama. A canary network of Equilibrium.

  • Nuchain

    Nuchain or Nusantara Chain is Indonesian based blockchain built to support web 3.0 platform in Indonesia.

  • Galital

    Multi-chain NFT marketplace build on Polkadot

  • Crafting Finance

    Crafting Finance is a synthetic asset issuance protocol and decentralized contract trading exchange based on the Polkadot contract chain.

  • Polkacast

    The Decentralization Podcasts Protocol & Ep NFT for Creators.

  • Anmol Network

    A full-suite, chain-agnostic and interoperable NFT toolkit running on Substrate.

  • Crust Shadow

    Crust Shadow is a “Kusama version” for Crust Network, an early unaudited release of the code that is available first and holds real economic value.

  • Darwinia Crab

    Darwinia Crab Network (Crab for short) is the canary network for Darwinia.

  • Polkasmith

    Canary Network

  • Khala Network

    Canary Network of Phala Network

  • Sakura

    Platform built for cross-chain DeFi on Kusama.

  • Mars

    Mars, the advance network of Ares Protocol

  • Polkadog (PDOG)

    Enjoy a better future with the fastest meme dog running on the world’s best decentralized exchange, Polksaswap.

  • Altair

    Centrifuge’s Kusama Parachain

  • Ruby Protocol

    Ruby Protocol is the Privacy-centric Data Monetization Framework for DeFi and Web3.0 Powered by Polkadot.

  • Kpron Network

    Kpron Network is the testnet that Apron Network deployed on the Kusama Network. The Kpron Network’s token: KPN, is the APN on Kusama.

  • Basilisk

    Basilisk - HydraDX's Canary Network

  • Loom Network

    Loom Network is a multichain interop platform live in production since early 2018.

  • Bholdus

    Bholdus is a blockchain dedicated to DeFi apps and NFTs with focus on high transaction throughput and security. We aim to bridge real-world assets and crypto space to solve some of the pressing problems faced by both crypto and traditional finance.

  • Calamari Network

    Calamari, Manta Network’s canary-net.

  • DOTMog

    DOTMog, a substrate-based Unity3D Game about the futuristic universe of the Mogwais.

  • Composable Finance

    Picasso (our parachain) will be designed to be maximally useful for DeFi developers to build on. More specifically, it will be optimized for the innovation, construction, maintenance, symbiosis, and success of decentralized financial tools on Polkadot.

  • Banksy Finance

    The first AI-driven NFT pool-based lending platform to lead a revolution of the NFT market.

  • EverLife.AI

    Introducing EverLife.AI - your very own personal AI Avatar that you can create on EverLife network. Your immutable avatar on EverLife network learns by interacting with you and acquires skills to do tasks and earn for you and your loved ones.

  • Integritee

    Unchain the value of sensitive data. At scale. Integritee is the most scalable public blockchain solution for securely processing sensitive business or personal data.

  • KILT Spiritnet

    Canary Network of KILT

  • Parallel Heiko

    Parallel Finance is a decentralized money market protocol that offers lending, staking, and borrowing in the Polkadot ecosystem.

  • InvArch

    An intuitive and cutting-edge blockchain protocol that bridges the gap between ideas and creation. This is achieved through the tokenization of ideas and providing a secure and transparent ecosystem where users can collaborate and form partnerships.

  • Polkastream

    Revolutionizing live and on demand streaming with innovative financial rewards

  • Gear

    Computational Component of Polkadot Network

  • helixstreet

    helixstreet - a life sciences blockchain

  • Medifakt

    Medifakt will use a combination of IoT + Blockchain + AI, the combination these technologies will enhance the security of the collected data through IoT devices and feeding them to a decentralized network built on Polkadot network.

  • Chainflip

    Chainflip is a cross-chain AMM enabling native asset swaps without wrapped tokens or specialised wallets

  • Curio

    Curio Parachain is a network of Curio ecosystem and products such as Capital DEX, RollApp NFT Launchpad, Curio Stablecoin System.

  • DEIP

    DEIP is the first Web 3.0 domain-specific protocol for tokenization (NFT) and governance (DAO) of creator economy intangible assets.

  • Imbue Network

    The Future Of Crowdfunding powered by Polkadot

  • Aleph Zero

    Privacy-enhancing public blockchain with instant finality.

  • peaq

    The decentralized Web3 network powering the Economy of Things

  • Mannheim chain

    The web3 decentralized blockchain infrastructure, as a high-speed public chain at the forefront of Metaverse, uses the Substrate framework, also known as the drive engine for trusted data sources and storage.

  • Pendulum

    Decentralized Fiat. Limitless Future.

  • Creditcoin

    A Borderless Credit Investment Network.

  • Frequency

    Decentralized social at scale

  • Tapio

    Efficient liquidity standard for staking and crowdloan assets on Polkadot

  • Humanode

    1 Human = 1 Node = 1 Vote


    Fast, full-stack & easy to use on a smartphone. Combines a native scalable, quantum-ready layer1 blockchain w/the world's most private communications network.

  • Jur

    Building tools for the Network State revolution on Polkadot

  • krest network

    krest is peaq’s canary network - the world's first and only Economy of Things simulation network.

  • Functionland Fula

    Fula network is designed to break the traditional cloud storage monopoly with a new p2p platform that makes it easy for people to share storage and compute resources providing speeds as fast as the cloud and cheaper with total data ownership;

  • GameDAO

    An operating system for video games, content creators, metaverse featuring DAO, governance, rewards, fundraising

  • Tangle Network

    An EVM compatible L1 Optimized for Zero-Knowledge & MPC dApps.

  • Bittensor

    Incentivizing intelligence

  • Katal

    Standard Framework for Finance

  • Bifrost Finance

    Bifrost is the DeFi and Staking service for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both.

  • Acala Network

    Acala is the all-in-one DeFi hub of Polkadot

  • Laminar

    Open finance platform, powering synthetic assets and margin trading.

  • Bandot

    Bandot is a decentralized and smart contract management stable coin that holders can use to collateralize their flowable digital assets.

  • Stafi

    Liquid Your Staking Assets. Eliminating the risk of price fluctuations when staking.

  • OAX Foundation

    Making DeFi easy with Substrate

  • Polkaswap

    Polkaswap is a non custodial cross chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot ecosystem and hosted on the SORA v2 network.


    MANTRA DAO is a community governed DeFi platform focusing on staking, lending, and governance.

  • RioDeFi

    Rio Chain is built for DeFi with the security, speed, scalability, accessibility, and interoperability needed to connect traditional finance to blockchains.

  • Equilibrium

    The first cross-chain money market that combines pooled lending with synthetic asset generation and trading.

  • Sora

    Sora is a Decentralized Autonomous Economy chain

  • Keysians Network (KEN)

    Keysians financializes infrastructural assets for maximizing efficiency of consensus and boosting onchain application usage. Keysians builds a financial channel to turn onchain assets into flexible and tradable financial products.

  • Reef Chain

    Reef Finance is building Reef Chain, a DeFi blockchain built using Substrate Framework.

  • Kylin Network

    Building a Cross-chain Platform Powering the Data Economy on Polkadot

  • DeFi DAO

    DeFi DAO, initiated by DDAO Labs,aims to build an open financial network. DeFi DAO enables customers equal access to a practical and simple DeFi market where everyone can enjoy safe diversified financial services without borders.

  • Zenlink

    Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.

  • Definex

    A financial market protocol

  • Polkadex

    Polkadex Orderbook is a non-custodial peer-to-peer trading platform that merges the benefits of both centralized and decentralized exchanges in one product.

  • Coinversation Protocol

    Coinversation Protocol is a synthetic asset issuance protocol and decentralised contract trading exchange based on the Polkadot contract chain.

  • PAID Network

    A decentralized ecosystem designed to redefine the civil legal system, creating a new approach to how we do business with one another utilizing proprietary SMART Agreements, a community-governed arbitration system, reputation scoring and DeFI tools.

  • Ares Protocol

    Ares protocol is a random Oracle solution built on substrate, which supports hybrid BABE and Off-Chain Worker.

  • Demodyfi

    Demodyfi is a decentralized finance platform with a vision to bring financial stability, liquidity and accessibility to the mainstream.


    Mangata is the one-stop shop for trading and investing into Polkadot assets.

  • dTrade

    Decentralised perpetuals and options trading powered by Parity Substrate, backed by @polychain

  • Konomi

    Konomi is a decentralised liquidity and money market protocol for cross-chain crypto assets.

  • Shadows Network

    Shadows is a decentralized synthetic asset issuance protocol debeloped based on Substrate.

  • Clover Finance

    Clover, Polkadot-Based All-Round DeFi Service Platform, is committed to providing easy-to-use blockchain infrastructure and creating a one-stop comprehensive infrastructure platform.

  • Karura

    The all-in-one DeFi hub of Kusama

  • HydraDX


  • TIDAL Finance

    Insure assets across chains in custom balanced liquidity pools

  • Poolz Finance

    Poolz is a decentralized swapping protocol for cross-chain token pools, IDO, as well as OTC deals. The core code is optimized for DAO ecosystems, enabling blockchain companies to raise capital in decentralize way.

  • polkaswitch

    Cross-chain Liquidity Built for Traders. Powered by Polkadot

  • Linear Finance

    Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol to cost-effectively and instantly create, manage, and trade synthetic assets with unlimited liquidity.

  • DeFinsur

    Staking-driven Cross-chain DeFi Insurance Protocol built on Polkadot, aiming to empower DeFi services by offering the unique model of "Staking-as-insured" covers which are reliable and profitable.

  • KwikSwap Protocol

    KwikSwap is a revolutionary Swap Protocol with Layer 2 Scaling powered by Ethereum, Polkadot and Plasm. KwikSwap Protocol V2 on Polkadot / Plasm will be on Dusty testnet shortly. User can trade with next to no fees and at lightning speeds!

  • Polkalaunch

    Polkalaunch provides a competitive swap environment, auction and guaranteed liquidity for traders.

  • ETHA Lend

    ETHA Lend is a composable protocol that abstracts the complexity in DeFi to provide algorithmically optimal yield, currently deployed on Ethereum with our plan to integrate with Polkadot via cooperating with Clover.Finance to be SubstrateBased.

  • Compound Gateway

    The open, distributed ledger for cross-chain interest rate markets

  • Standard Protocol

    Standard Protocol is Polkadot's stablecoin for synthetic assets, building a new paradigm for a liquidity aggregation platform.

  • BitGreen

    BitGreen, a decentralized nonprofit organization incorporated in Wyoming U.S.A, was founded in 2017 as a community-driven project aimed at providing a sustainable alternative to Bitcoin. BitGreen to migrate its project and join the Substrate ecosystem.

  • Plethori

    Plethori is the first decentralized cross-chain investment platform for the trading and creation of trustless ETFs giving access to investment into entire ecosystems in DeFi to take advantage of the changing trends in cryptocurrency.

  • Polkafoundry

    Nft Auction Marketplaces + Open Lending Platform + Crosscahin Dex + Decentralized Insurance + Prediction Markets + Defi Derrivatives

  • Parallel

    The first lending and staking protocol on top of Polkadot ecosystem

  • PolkaProject Crowdloan Tool

    Provide more project and reward detail information about parachain auction & crowdloan developed by PolkaProject as a supplementary to polkadotJS

  • Subscan Auction Dashboard

    Subscan Auction Data Dashboard

  • X Predict Market

    X Predict Market is a decentralized cross-chain prediction platform designed to provide diversified, automated, safety-oriented, high-yield, socialized forecasting services.

  • Vera Protocol

    Vera is an open protocol that enables peer-to-peer DeFi use cases of digital and real-world NFT assets on the blockchain.

  • Nuts Finance

    Issue digital financial instruments on the blockchain and launch your own proprietary peer-to-peer exchange markets.

  • Nutbox

    We are a community incubator based on staking + DeFi infrastructure. We create community tokens to help communities with/without coding capabilities build their own community funds.

  • Cycan Network

    Cycan is a decentralized cross-chain asset management platform to provide investors with easy access to digital asset investment allocation tools with multiple DeFi protocols to invest, issue and manage decentralized funds in safe and independent ways.

  • Evanesco

    Evanesco is based on Polkadot ecology, committed to building the next generation of decentralized new privacy financial ecology protocol family in a fair and reliable way.

  • Skyrim Finance

    Skyrim Finance is the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Marketplace aiming to build the Robo-Advisor of DeFi ecosystem to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted return through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.

  • Treasureland is an aggregated NFT trading venue, initiated by DEGO DAO with a focus on NFT education and trading, auction, mining, building the eBay of Blockchain.

  • Bounce Finance

    Decentralized auction tool.

  • PolkadotJS Crowdloan

    A collection of tools, interfaces and libraries around the Polkadot project. Polkadot does JavaScript.

  • Bifrost Paralaunch

    Paralaunch is a parachain slot auction platform based on Bifrost SALP. Get slot derivatives vsToken, hedge slot auction lock-up risk.

  • RAI Finance

    RAI Finance is a Defi project based on the Polkadot. Combined with Polkadot’s cross-chain technology, RAI Finance aims to provide solutions to the existing decentralized financial ecosystem to solve insufficient liquidity and the creation of DeFi assets.

  • Crafting Finance

    Crafting Finance is a synthetic asset issuance protocol and decentralized contract trading exchange based on the Polkadot contract chain.

  • Parachain Crowdloan Telegram-Bot

    The first-ever Parachain Auction Crowdloan Telegram-Bot.

  • PolkaProject Auction Tool

    Provide more project and reward detail information about parachain auction & crowdloan developed by PolkaProject as a supplementary to polkadotJS

  • Nutbox

    Nutbox Slot Auction is a tool for polkadot slot auction. Parachains can create their auction card which allows users participate directly.

  • Sakura

    Platform built for cross-chain DeFi on Kusama.

  • Polkadog (PDOG)

    Enjoy a better future with the fastest meme dog running on the world’s best decentralized exchange, Polksaswap.

  • Parachains Info is Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory: projects comparison table (investors, github activity and more), auctions & crowdloans, news, events, watchlist.

  • Altair

    Centrifuge’s Kusama Parachain

  • Bholdus

    Bholdus is a blockchain dedicated to DeFi apps and NFTs with focus on high transaction throughput and security. We aim to bridge real-world assets and crypto space to solve some of the pressing problems faced by both crypto and traditional finance.

  • Composable Finance

    Picasso (our parachain) will be designed to be maximally useful for DeFi developers to build on. More specifically, it will be optimized for the innovation, construction, maintenance, symbiosis, and success of decentralized financial tools on Polkadot.

  • Banksy Finance

    The first AI-driven NFT pool-based lending platform to lead a revolution of the NFT market.

  • Integritee

    Unchain the value of sensitive data. At scale. Integritee is the most scalable public blockchain solution for securely processing sensitive business or personal data.

  • Ceres

    Ceres is one of the first fully developed projects on Sora blockchain - future Polkadot parachain. First DeFi services and utility token on Polkaswap (Cross-chain exchange on Polkadot) and Sora (XOR) ecosystem.

  • DotMarketCap

    Polkadot Ecosystem Projects, Price & Market Capitalization

  • Parallel Crowdloan

    Decentralized money market protocol that offers lending, staking, and borrowing in the Polkadot ecosystem.

  • Web3Go

    An open data analytics platform. Built for the Polkadot ecosystem

  • Ankr Parachain Crowdloan Marketplace

    You can now participate in Polkadot crowdloans with Ankr StakeFi and earn your share of $ANKR rewards!

  • Sirius Finance

    A cross-chain stablecoin AMM, attracting and locking value through stablecoins with low-slippage trading costs, attractive APY for liquidity providers on Astar Network, and allowing for more financial innovations or yield enhancements for Astar users.

  • Orcus Finance

    Orcus Finance is delivering the first Fractional-Algorithmic Stablecoin pegged to the United States dollar which is built on the Astar Network.

  • Satori

    Satori is the first on-chain derivatives protocol built on Polkadot, helping investors unlock the full potential of DOT with access to their own, dedicated platform.

  • Pendulum

    Decentralized Fiat. Limitless Future.

  • Creditcoin

    A Borderless Credit Investment Network.

  • Dotpad

    DOTPad provides a unified crowdfunding platform for all things Substrate, giving future Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem projects a means to bootstrap their development, grow their userbase, and fast-track their development.

  • Tapio

    Efficient liquidity standard for staking and crowdloan assets on Polkadot

  • OAK Network

    The Web 3.0 hub for DeFi and payment automation

  • StellaSwap

    StellaSwap is a hybrid DEX that features a standard, stable & concentrated liquidity AMM to facilitate the most optimal price discovery for assets on Polkadot.

  • Astar Network

    Astar is the Polkadot-native dApp hub supporting Ethereum, WebAssembly, dApp Staking, and Layer2 solutions

  • HOPR

    Decentralized & privacy-preserving point-to-point messaging protocol with incentives

  • Polkascan

    A Multi-Chain Block Explorer

  • Protos

    Open Source Node Explorer

  • Supercomputing System

    Substrate Transaction Privacy using Intel SGX

  • Bifrost Finance

    Bifrost is the DeFi and Staking service for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both.


    Substrate Hardware Wallet Integration

  • Dock

    Verifiable Credentials

  • Centrifuge

    Decentralized Asset Finance

  • Litentry

    Litentry is a Web3.0 identity aggregation protocol that enables corss-chain credit computations.

  • Wiv

    Unique Asset Trading Platform

  • MixBytes Tank

    Benchmarking tool for Substrate and Polkadot

  • Gunclear

    Private secure data storage solution using Plasma Cash in Substrate

  • Avado

    Polkadot node deployment with consumer hardware

  • Mailchain

    A Multi-Blockchain Messaging Application


    Substrate based blockchain explorer

  • Laminar

    Open finance platform, powering synthetic assets and margin trading.

  • PureStake

    Premium blockchain infrastructure, API, and validator services for Proof of Stake networks

  • Bandot

    Bandot is a decentralized and smart contract management stable coin that holders can use to collateralize their flowable digital assets.

  • SubSocial

    A Substrate module with web UI that allows anyone to launch a decentralized censorship-resistant community on their own blockchain.

  • Polkabot

    Polkadot network monitoring and reporting using Riot chat. Users may create custom bot plugins.

  • PolkaStats

    Polkadot network statistics (Kusama and Alexander). Shows network information and staking details from validators and intentions.

  • PolkaCube

    Validator, Reward, Slash records

  • Stafi

    Liquid Your Staking Assets. Eliminating the risk of price fluctuations when staking.


    PANIC for Polkadot is a lightweight yet powerful open source monitoring and alerting solution

  • Celer Network

    The Most Advanced Layer-2 Scaling Platform

  • Phala Network

    Blockchain Confidentiality by Trusted Computing

  • Interlay

    Interlay is making decentralized finance interoperable. On Polkadot, Interlay is designing the bridge-parachain infrastructure and is building the BTC-Parachan - a trustless bridge between Bitcoin and Polkadot (supported by a Web3 Foundation grant)

  • Polkassembly

    An open-source platform to vote and discuss governance proposals, motions, and referenda. You can signup, link a kusama address and edit your proposals description and title.

  • Nodle IoT

    World’s largest ecosystem of connected devices, providing low cost, secure wireless infrastructure + data insights for enterprises, manufactures & smart cities

  • Encointer

    Encointer provides a platform for local community cryptocurrencies featuring a universal basic income (UBI). A novel proof-of-personhood protocol provides a decentralized identity and ensures that the UBI is only paid to humans - and only once per month.

  • Crust Network

    A Decentralized Cloud Blockchain Technology on Polkadot

  • OnFinality

    OnFinality is a Blockchain as a Service platform that makes blockchain infrastructure management easy. You can quickly create Polkadot nodes in seconds on different cloud vendors and manage complex private Polkadot networks using our platform.

  • Figment Networks

    Based in Canada, serving customers worldwide, Figment Networks is the country’s largest blockchain infrastructure, and services provider. At Figment Networks, our mission is to support the adoption, growth and long term success of the Web 3 ecosystem.

  • Equilibrium

    The first cross-chain money market that combines pooled lending with synthetic asset generation and trading.

  • Listen

    Listen is a voice social software based on data decentralized storage technology and Substrate blockchain technology.

  • Kylin Network

    Building a Cross-chain Platform Powering the Data Economy on Polkadot

  • Snowfork

    A trustless, general purpose Polkadot <> Ethereum bridge!

  • Halva suite

    Truffle for Substrate

  • Zenlink

    Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.

  • SubstrateIDE

    Substrate IDE can help developers quickly build Substrate-based blockchains.

  • Definex

    A financial market protocol

  • t3rn

    A protocol for blockchain interoperability

  • OpenSquare Network

    Opensquare is an application-oriented blockchain product based on substrate, which focuses on decentralized collaboration. On opensquare platform, users can start collaboration, update collaboration progress, end collaboration.

  • Threshold ECDSA

    Threshold BLS Randomness Beacon for Substrate

  • Creator

    Mobile Game Framework for Substrate

  • Sunshine Identity Module

    implementation of Keybase Local Key Security on substrate, using ipfs-rust/ipfs-embed

  • Zeropool

    Private transactions on Polkadot

  • Polkadex

    Polkadex Orderbook is a non-custodial peer-to-peer trading platform that merges the benefits of both centralized and decentralized exchanges in one product.

  • Fractapp

    Messenger with crypto wallet

  • Coinversation Protocol

    Coinversation Protocol is a synthetic asset issuance protocol and decentralised contract trading exchange based on the Polkadot contract chain.

  • Substrate.swift

    Swift APIs for Polkadot and any Substrate-based chain.

  • Subscript

    Substrate smart contract api and sdk in AssemblyScript

  • Evercity

    Digital platform for impact measurement, management and investment

  • Accepted W3F Grant Applications

    This page gives an overview of accepted grants and a link to their GitHubs. Keep in mind that not all of the accepted grants have already delivered software.

  • SubDAO

    SubDAO Network is a Cross-chain Platform built by SubDAO Labs to link DAO and DApp on Polkadot. It will be the infrastructure to maintain DAO and link DApp with DAO in the world of Web3.0 powered by Substrate and Polkadot.

  • WalletConnect

    Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps

  • YieldScan

    A tool for easy filtering through validator candidates based on parameters like collusion resistance, commission, past slashes, estimated profit.

  • Konomi

    Konomi is a decentralised liquidity and money market protocol for cross-chain crypto assets.

  • SpiderDAO

    Our vision is to bring unparalleled online privacy to end-users. As a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO), we address the shortcomings of current DAO frameworks. We do so through a multi-layered governance setup based on hardware and software

  • Manta Network

    Manta Network is a privacy-preserving, interoperable decentralized exchange built on Substrate.

  • RareLink

    Create a decentralized access-control gateway

  • Idavoll network

    Idavoll Network is an decentralized organization platform that provides infrastructure and services to users of the Idavoll Network and Polkadot ParaChains.

  • MAP Protocol

    MAP Protocol is an open, fully decentralized, chain-to-chain interoperation protocol that enables the interoperability of multiple independently verifiable consensus blockchains without a relay chain.

  • Saito Network

    Saito is an open network layer for Web3. A platform that lets users run blockchain applications in their browsers without closed plugins, private APIs or non-open infrastructure.

  • Shadows Network

    Shadows is a decentralized synthetic asset issuance protocol debeloped based on Substrate.

  • zCloak Network

    The zCloak Network provides Zero-Knowledge Proof as a service to other parachains in the Polkadot ecosystem. It uses a zk-STARK virtual machine to enable data privacy protection via self-proving computations.

  • Pontem Network

    Pontem Network is the bridge between Сrypto and Diem.

  • PolkaBTC

    The trustless #XCLAIM Bitcoin-Polkadot bridge. Built by Interlay ( in collaboration with Parity Technologies and supported by Web3 Foundation grants.

  • Standard Protocol

    Standard Protocol is Polkadot's stablecoin for synthetic assets, building a new paradigm for a liquidity aggregation platform.

  • DOT Mog

    SubstrateNetApi .NET Standard API (nuget) allowing full substrate integration in Unity3D for gaming development.The team built their first game out of this, Dogmot.

  • X Predict Market

    X Predict Market is a decentralized cross-chain prediction platform designed to provide diversified, automated, safety-oriented, high-yield, socialized forecasting services.

  • Vera Protocol

    Vera is an open protocol that enables peer-to-peer DeFi use cases of digital and real-world NFT assets on the blockchain.

  • Nuts Finance

    Issue digital financial instruments on the blockchain and launch your own proprietary peer-to-peer exchange markets.

  • Parami


  • Sunrise Protocol

    Sunrise Protocol is creating an open decentralized financial framework built on Polkadot.

  • OxyDev


  • NewOmega

    Blockchain Game That Never Ends. Templated using Elastos Trinity.

  • AlgoCash

    An algorithmic stablecoin

  • Ajuna Network

    The ecosystem for gamers and creators

  • DOTMog

    DOTMog, a substrate-based Unity3D Game about the futuristic universe of the Mogwais.

  • Banksy Finance

    The first AI-driven NFT pool-based lending platform to lead a revolution of the NFT market.

  • Noise Explorer

    Rust code generator for formally verified (Noise/ cryptographic) handshakes

  • Clovyr

    service to easily build a blockchain

  • Kylin Network

    Building a Cross-chain Platform Powering the Data Economy on Polkadot

  • PolkaOracle

    PolkaOracle is a flexible, self-evolving oracle network built on Polkadot, providing applications or smart contracts with customized real-time on-chain data feeding services.

  • ZK Oracle

    Zk-Oracle is a Polkadot-based privacy-preserving oracle network, aiming to expand the application areas of Web3 applications in real business environments.

  • Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist is an evolving blockchain for prediction markets and futarchy.

  • Hazel

    A New Generation of Verifiable Oracle Machine Based on Polkadot

  • OptionRoom

    OptionRoom is a user governed oracle and forecast market protocol built on Polkadot.

  • Paralink

    Multi-chain oracle platform for DeFi application powered by Polkadot.

  • ORAO Network

    ORAO is a data agnostic oracle network that supports multiple blockchains providing proactive data rating and computation capabilities.

  • Chads.VC

    CHAD is the first deflationary MEME token built on Polkadot

  • Unique Network

    Unique Network is the next generation NFT blockchain built on Polkadot and Kusama relay chains, specifically optimized for NFT use cases.

  • DEGO Finance

    DEGO Finance is a cross-chain finance platform, powering Synthetic Assets and GameFi.

  • RareLink

    Create a decentralized access-control gateway

  • KodaDot NFT

    KodaDot will bring mobile-first implementation for Kusama and other Substrate chains and later will have smart contracts that will run breakthrough NFT 2.0 protocol on top of chains with contracts pallett

  • NFTMart

    NFTMart is developed based on Substrate, the first decentralized NFT transaction public chain in the world. It is committed to providing professional, low gas with NFT issuance, transaction, investment and other services for users.

  • BitCountry

    Start your own NFT virtual world for your followers.

  • Efinity

    Next-generation Blockchain for NFTs Scalable, decentralized, cross-chain network designed to bring non-fungible tokens to everyone.

  • Ternoa

    Ternoa is an NFT-Based decentralized data transmission blockchain via Polkadot. It enables important data to be transmitted in an extremely secure way through "Time Capsules." We are also creating a Polkadot NFT marketplace for Ternoa Time Capsules.

  • Polkafoundry

    Nft Auction Marketplaces + Open Lending Platform + Crosscahin Dex + Decentralized Insurance + Prediction Markets + Defi Derrivatives

  • Uniarts Network

    UniArts is a substrate based blockchain network offers infrastructure for the creation, auction and circulation of NFTs as well as a customized NPOS that provides incentives for NFT creation and appreciation.

  • Kanaria

    Kanaria is the world's first NFT ICO framework

  • Punk Network

    Punk.Network is a high-performance NFT-Friendly mainnet based on the Substrate architecture with NPoS (Nominated Proof of Stakes) as the consensus mechanism.

  • Treasureland is an aggregated NFT trading venue, initiated by DEGO DAO with a focus on NFT education and trading, auction, mining, building the eBay of Blockchain.

  • Galital

    Multi-chain NFT marketplace build on Polkadot

  • Polkacast

    The Decentralization Podcasts Protocol & Ep NFT for Creators.

  • Anmol Network

    A full-suite, chain-agnostic and interoperable NFT toolkit running on Substrate.

  • Open Emoji Battler

    Open Emoji Battler is an open-sourced indie blockchain game led by the community. This is the first playable game in the Polkadot ecosystem using Substrate blockchain framework. It's a browser auto-battler game running on-chain.

  • Bholdus

    Bholdus is a blockchain dedicated to DeFi apps and NFTs with focus on high transaction throughput and security. We aim to bridge real-world assets and crypto space to solve some of the pressing problems faced by both crypto and traditional finance.

  • Banksy Finance

    The first AI-driven NFT pool-based lending platform to lead a revolution of the NFT market.

  • Lamdamoon Metaverse

    An experimental high end NFT game powered by Moonbeam/Polkadot and Unreal Engine 5.

  • CheersLand

    CheersLand is an expandable GameFi universe where anyone can monetize their gaming experiences and social networks,which is composed of multi-game combinations, Ranking List, Initial Gaming Offering, NFT Market, Multi-asset Staking Platform, etc..

  • Yuser

    The first NFT social app

  • PolkaFantasy

    The BEST Japanese #NFT Cross-Chain Marketplace & Multiverse #PlayToEarn games.

  • CryptoSpells

    Popular Blockchain card game in Japan

  • myNFT

    The marketplace that puts the power back in your hands.

  • Attarius

    Attarius Network - the first and only all-in-one NFT ecosystem for game industry.

  • Curio

    Curio Parachain is a network of Curio ecosystem and products such as Capital DEX, RollApp NFT Launchpad, Curio Stablecoin System.

  • DEIP

    DEIP is the first Web 3.0 domain-specific protocol for tokenization (NFT) and governance (DAO) of creator economy intangible assets.

  • MetaRock

    Metarock is a decentralised Commerce (DeCom) platform built using the RMRK 1.0 standard. It inspires to be the first blockchain agnostic marketplace for physical assets in the Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem.

  • Collectify

    An NFT-as-a-Service(NaaS) Platform Empowering NFT Creators


    A marketplace for everyone: gamers, artists, collectors, buidlers, creators, enthusiasts.

  • Social.Network

    Uniting human potential to create a better future

  • GameDAO

    crowd finance for videogames, creative content, digital arts, gaming, e-sports

  • Encointer

    Encointer provides a platform for local community cryptocurrencies featuring a universal basic income (UBI). A novel proof-of-personhood protocol provides a decentralized identity and ensures that the UBI is only paid to humans - and only once per month.


    MANTRA DAO is a community governed DeFi platform focusing on staking, lending, and governance.

  • Joystream

    The video platform DAO.

  • OpenSquare Network

    Opensquare is an application-oriented blockchain product based on substrate, which focuses on decentralized collaboration. On opensquare platform, users can start collaboration, update collaboration progress, end collaboration.

  • SubDAO

    SubDAO Network is a Cross-chain Platform built by SubDAO Labs to link DAO and DApp on Polkadot. It will be the infrastructure to maintain DAO and link DApp with DAO in the world of Web3.0 powered by Substrate and Polkadot.

  • SpiderDAO

    Our vision is to bring unparalleled online privacy to end-users. As a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO), we address the shortcomings of current DAO frameworks. We do so through a multi-layered governance setup based on hardware and software

  • Dora Factory

    Dora Factory is a programmable DAO-as-a-Service infrastructure on Substrate. Crucial on-chain governance schemes can be built on the infrastructure as pallets by developers, who will be rewarded in a SaaS model when DAOs deploy these pallets.

  • GameDAO

    GameDAO is a community owned cooperative providing fundraising, coordination and ownership protocols, bringing hybrid finance and dao to videogames, creators, and the esports economy.

  • BrightTreasury

    Polkadot and Kusama treasury dashboard

  • DEIP

    DEIP is the first Web 3.0 domain-specific protocol for tokenization (NFT) and governance (DAO) of creator economy intangible assets.

  • Jur

    Building tools for the Network State revolution on Polkadot

  • pLIBRA

    Bridge between Polkadot and a Libra chain

  • Bifrost Finance

    Bifrost is the DeFi and Staking service for PoS tokens, that include staking and liquidity both.

  • Interlay

    Interlay is making decentralized finance interoperable. On Polkadot, Interlay is designing the bridge-parachain infrastructure and is building the BTC-Parachan - a trustless bridge between Bitcoin and Polkadot (supported by a Web3 Foundation grant)

  • cdot

    Cdot addresses key barriers of blockchain interoperation: trust minimal, economic sustainable and standardization.

  • Snowfork

    A trustless, general purpose Polkadot <> Ethereum bridge!

  • Ren

    Ren is an open protocol that enables the permissionless and private transfer of value between any blockchain.

  • ABmatrix

    Bridge between Polkadot and Filecoin. Also working on Crust on storage related modeuls.

  • SherpaX

    SherpaX, an independent research and development network where new innovative ideas and technological experiments of ChainX will be first carried out on.

  • Pontem Network

    Pontem Network is the bridge between Сrypto and Diem.

  • PolkaBTC

    The trustless #XCLAIM Bitcoin-Polkadot bridge. Built by Interlay ( in collaboration with Parity Technologies and supported by Web3 Foundation grants.


    BEEFY (Bridge Efficiency Enabling Finality Yielder) is a secondary protocol running along GRANDPA Finality to support efficient bridging with non-Substrate blockchains, currently mainly ETH mainnet.

  • Darwinia Crab

    Darwinia Crab Network (Crab for short) is the canary network for Darwinia.

  • Sakura

    Platform built for cross-chain DeFi on Kusama.

  • PolkaBridge

    Multichain & Cross-chain Decentralized All-in-one Financial Application Platform

  • Mosaic Bridge

    Cross-chain bridge

  • Polkaswap

    Polkaswap is a non custodial cross chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot ecosystem and hosted on the SORA v2 network.

  • Zenlink

    Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.

  • Polkadex

    Polkadex Orderbook is a non-custodial peer-to-peer trading platform that merges the benefits of both centralized and decentralized exchanges in one product.

  • Polkastarter

    Polkastarter is a permissionless DEX built for cross-chain token pools and auctions, enabling projects to raise capital on a decentralized and interoperable environment based on Polkadot.

  • Summa Network

    First Decentralized Mid-Point Dark Pool protocol based on Substrate

  • Demodyfi

    Demodyfi is a decentralized finance platform with a vision to bring financial stability, liquidity and accessibility to the mainstream.

  • dTrade

    Decentralised perpetuals and options trading powered by Parity Substrate, backed by @polychain

  • Poolz Finance

    Poolz is a decentralized swapping protocol for cross-chain token pools, IDO, as well as OTC deals. The core code is optimized for DAO ecosystems, enabling blockchain companies to raise capital in decentralize way.

  • polkaswitch

    Cross-chain Liquidity Built for Traders. Powered by Polkadot

  • PolkaEX

    Cross-chain liquidity Integration platform Powered By Polkadot

  • Polkatrain

    Polkadot based IDO platform

  • Vera Protocol

    Vera is an open protocol that enables peer-to-peer DeFi use cases of digital and real-world NFT assets on the blockchain.

  • Sunrise Protocol

    Sunrise Protocol is creating an open decentralized financial framework built on Polkadot.

  • DARK

    DARK is a DeCommerce (decentralized e-commerce) DApp built with Substrate.

  • Crafting Finance

    Crafting Finance is a synthetic asset issuance protocol and decentralized contract trading exchange based on the Polkadot contract chain.

  • Chainflip

    Chainflip is a cross-chain AMM enabling native asset swaps without wrapped tokens or specialised wallets

  • Noise Explorer

    Rust code generator for formally verified (Noise/ cryptographic) handshakes

  • Clovyr

    service to easily build a blockchain

  • Chainhammer

    Multi-chain performance testing tool

  • Attic Lab

    VS Code and Atom plugins

  • Blockdeamon

    A multi-cloud platform that supports the leading blockchain protocols.

  • MixBytes Tank

    Benchmarking tool for Substrate and Polkadot

  • Polkabot

    Polkadot network monitoring and reporting using Riot chat. Users may create custom bot plugins.

  • Substrate Runtime Toolbox: srtool

    Substrate Runtime Toolbox

  • Kusama Vanity Address Generator

    Kusama Vanity Address Generator developed by MathWallet

  • Polkalert

    Validator Monitoring

  • Solidity to WASM compiler

    A new solidity to wasm compiler written in rust

  • PolkaHub

    Heroku-like infrastructure for node deployment

  • Trust Wallet Core

    Cross-platform, cross-blockchain wallet library supports Kusama / Polkadot

  • Beaker Browser

    An experimental browser with a p2p protocol (dat_project). Decentralize the Web!


    PANIC for Polkadot is a lightweight yet powerful open source monitoring and alerting solution

  • Gantree

    Speeds up blockchain development for companies creating Substrate chains

  • KusamaProject

    All projects build on kusama

  • Polkatree

    This project was created to help people, mainly validators, who want to quickly follow the status and the evolution of the Polkadot chains and parachains.

  • Polkadot bot by Ryabina

    Open source Telegram bot for notifications on all Polkadot network’s events.

  • Substrate Utilities

    Hopefully this page helps you do something.

  • Dimension

    Dimension offers a series of products in advocatory for social liberty in the ever-realistic era of cyberspace, among which the most fundamental ones are Right of Cryptography and Freedom of Interpretation.

  • Kusama bot by Ryabina

    Open source Telegram bot for notifications on all Kusama network’s events.

  • Edgeware bot by Ryabina

    Open source Telegram bot for notifications on all Edgeware network’s events.

  • StaFi bot by Ryabina

    Open source Telegram bot for notifications on all StaFi network’s events.

  • Acala bot by Ryabina

    Open source Telegram bot, which allows users to get notifications on Acala network’s events and to monitor their financial status - loan positions, liquidation events, balance changes, liquidity provision and returns.

  • Bounty Viewer

    Polkadot and Kusama Bounties Viewer

  • Darwinia bot by Ryabina

    Open source Telegram bot for notifications on all Darwinia network’s events.

  • Dotctor

    A Polkadot Github Explorer to help you guys discover more projects building on Substrate.

  • Pontem Network

    Pontem Network is the bridge between Сrypto and Diem.

  • Kusama Tips Widget

    An embeddable, standalone widget allowing you to add “Propose a tip” or “Donate” functionality on your website.

  • Parachain Live

    Parachain Auction Metrics by Project

  • PolkaProject Crowdloan Tool

    Provide more project and reward detail information about parachain auction & crowdloan developed by PolkaProject as a supplementary to polkadotJS

  • Subscan Auction Dashboard

    Subscan Auction Data Dashboard

  • Bounce Finance

    Decentralized auction tool.

  • MathWallet Cloud Crowdloan Tool

    Based on Math Cloud Wallet, easy entry for participate KSM crowdloan.

  • PolkadotJS Crowdloan

    A collection of tools, interfaces and libraries around the Polkadot project. Polkadot does JavaScript.

  • Bifrost Paralaunch

    Paralaunch is a parachain slot auction platform based on Bifrost SALP. Get slot derivatives vsToken, hedge slot auction lock-up risk.

  • Parachain Crowdloan Telegram-Bot

    The first-ever Parachain Auction Crowdloan Telegram-Bot.

  • Rococo Crowdloan Tool

    Rococo Crowdloan Tool developed by PolkaProject

  • OKEx Slot Auction

    KSM&DOT slot auction

  • PolkaProject Auction Tool

    Provide more project and reward detail information about parachain auction & crowdloan developed by PolkaProject as a supplementary to polkadotJS

  • Subvisio

    A crowdloan and parachain auction dashboard and leaderboard

  • Nutbox

    Nutbox Slot Auction is a tool for polkadot slot auction. Parachains can create their auction card which allows users participate directly.

  • Kraken Parachain Slot Auctions

    Wondering where to participate in parachain auctions? Learn how to participate in parachain auctions on Kraken

  • PolkadotJS Auctions

    A collection of tools, interfaces and libraries around the Polkadot project. Polkadot does JavaScript.

  • Parachains Info is Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem projects directory: projects comparison table (investors, github activity and more), auctions & crowdloans, news, events, watchlist.

  • SubVT

    SubVT (Substrate Validator Toolkit - former Subvalt) is a native mobile application for iOS and Android phones, tablets and wearables that provides node operators with tools

  • crunch

    crunch is a command-line interface (CLI) to claim staking rewards every X hours for Substrate-based chains.

  • nominumbers

    Polkadot/Kusama staking analysis

  • Kusama PLO Cheatsheet

    Created by @gldncalf DM for tips or corrections ($CHRWNA Reward!)

  • Total Panic

    KUSAMA and PolkaDOT Telemetry Monitoring with Grafana Cloud and JSON API

  • DotMarketCap

    Polkadot Ecosystem Projects, Price & Market Capitalization

  • Parallel Crowdloan

    Decentralized money market protocol that offers lending, staking, and borrowing in the Polkadot ecosystem.

  • Binance DOT Slot Auction

    The safest and easiest way to earn rewards while supporting your favorite DOT projects!

  • Web3Go

    An open data analytics platform. Built for the Polkadot ecosystem

  • Ankr Parachain Crowdloan Marketplace

    You can now participate in Polkadot crowdloans with Ankr StakeFi and earn your share of $ANKR rewards!

  • SubSquare

    SubSquare is a substrate chain based governance platform developed by OpenSquare. It support the democracy, treasury, council and other governance mechanisms.

  • BrightTreasury

    Polkadot and Kusama treasury dashboard

  • Wallety

    multi-chain web 3 analytics service

  • Web3alert

    Notifications from blockchain to messengers.

  • Polkadot Basic Notifications

    A dead-simple, yet highly effective notification system for Polkadot and its parachains (or, any substrate-based chain).

  • Polkadot Portfolio

    Simple UI to find all your bags of tokens in the highly complicated world of Polkadot Ecosystem

  • OAK Network

    The Web 3.0 hub for DeFi and payment automation

  • Staking Dashboard

    Dashboard allows users to explore and nominate validators, and view metrics about their staking returns.

  • Contract Wizard

    The wizard simplifies the process by allowing users to customize their contracts with various functionalities and security features. Once the user has finished customizing their contract, the platform compiles it and enables deployment.

  • subwasm

    Substrate WASM Runtime offline analysis.

  • Speckle OS

    Speckle OS is one of the first companies to announce publicly their intention to provide services on top of Polkadot.

  • MathWallet

    A multi-chain wallet supports Polkadot

  • Polkawallet

    A mobile wallet for polkadot

  • imToken

    Digital asset wallet with multi-chain asset management

  • Cobo Wallet

    Proof of stake wallet

  • AToken

    A multi-chain wallet supports Polkadot

  • Qbao Network

    The Key of the Blockchain Cosmos

  • Polkadot-JS Apps

    Polkadot Web Wallet

  • Lichen

    Light client focused user interface for the Polkadot and Substrate networks.


    Substrate Hardware Wallet Integration

  • ZondaX

    Ledger app for Polkadot

  • BEPAL Wallet

    Digital asset management services specialist-BEPAL

  • Enzyme

    Browser Extension Wallet

  • Parity Signer

    Turn your smartphone into a hardware wallet.

  • Lunie

    Manage your staking portfolio, participate in governance, and keep up-to-date with your favourite staking networks, all in one place.

  • Jadepool Custody

    A professional custody product that helps you manage and secure crypto assets. Jadepool Custody has already supported Palkadot and Kusama.

  • Fearless Wallet

    Fearless Wallet is focused on providing the best user experience, fast performance, and secure storage for your accounts. In addition to Kusama and Polkadot features, there will be DEX support in the future releases

  • HashKey Hub

    One-stop Digital Asset Management Platform

  • HashKey Me

    Simple & Secure Identity Wallet

  • AirGap

    Protect your crypto and store your private keys offline. It’s time to set up your safe place for your coins and get rewards. Supports both DOT and KSM!

  • Ledger

    Hardware wallet now support Polkadot and Kusama

  • Fractapp

    Messenger with crypto wallet

  • Wallet Systems

    A Wallet Naming System (WNS) for blockchain addresses

  • HyperPay Wallet

    A multi-chain wallet supports Polkadot & Polkadot DApp

  • SafePal

    SafePal a cryptocurrency wallet security company backed and invested by Binance. We offer both hardware and software wallet solution supporting DOT as well as KSA in all our service offerings to offer DOT users the highest level of security

  • Mixin Messenger

    Mixin Messenger, which is a messenger powered by Signal protocol, protects privacy by end-to-end encryption and also supports the cryptocurrency wallet feature. It’s simple to manage assets with a 6-digit PIN and your phone number.

  • Trust Wallet

    Trust Wallet is a fast and secure multi crypto wallet with DEX / DApp browser support, designed for ease of use and perfect for storing all your different crypto assets.

  • Fireblocks MPC Wallet

    Fireblocks, a secure infrastructure platform for moving, storing and issuing digital assets, now supports Polkadot.

  • WalletConnect

    Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps

  • ONTO Wallet

    Manage your own digital identities, data and assets.

  • Coin98 Wallet

    Non-Custodial Crypto Wallet & Payment Gateway

  • TokenPocket

    Multi-chain, security and convenience, the portal of DApp

  • BDWallet

    BD Wallet is the world’s first decentralized mobile wallet for polkadot and with rating model.

  • Polkadot{.js} extension

    This browser extension does one thing: it manages accounts and allows the signing of transactions with those accounts. It does not inject providers for use by dapps at this early point, nor does it perform wallet functions, e.g send funds.

  • AoLink

    AoLink is a decentralized wallet that supports multiple public chains

  • Moonstake Wallet

    Moonstake develops a staking pool protocol and provides staking related business services. It now supports 10 coins for staking including Polkadot and contributes expansion of the Polkadot ecosystem.

  • Ellipal

    A Safer and More Convenient Cold Wallet Solution

  • Bitkeep Wallet

    BitKeep is a global leading decentralized multi-chain digital wallet, dedicated to providing secure and simple one-stop digital asset management services for users worldwide.

  • Stylo

    Use a smartphone as a hardware wallet to manage Polkadot, Kusama, and other crypto accounts.

  • yiToken

    yiToken is a decentralized multi-chain cryptocurrency and NFT wallet.

  • Talisman

    Talisman is a community-owned wallet and web app built for a multi-chain future. It allows users to take control of their crypto assets, leverage novel use cases enabled by Polkadot and help shape the future of the project via a social layer.

  • Wirex

    Wirex mobile app and next-gen Wirex card let you buy, store, exchange and spend a wide variety of conventional and digital currencies quickly and securely, with no hidden fees and zero fuss.

  • Metadot

    DOT-STOP for all Parachains!

  • SubWallet

    Web3 Multiverse Gateway for Polkadot & Kusama Ecosystem, Easy to join DeFi/GameFi applications & Manage Assets in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems.

  • Guarda Wallet

    A non-custodial wallet that supports 400k+ crypto assets, including DOT.

  • NOW Wallet

    A secure and user-friendly wallet supporting 500+ cryptos and 40+ blockchains, including Polkadot and Kusama. Enables instant exchanges, fiat-on ramps, and connects to dApps.

  • main goal is to create a multi-chain solution with extended analytical functionality and built-in applications that empower existing use-cases and make the crypto interactions easier.

  • HOPR

    Decentralized & privacy-preserving point-to-point messaging protocol with incentives

  • Polkasource

    ITSM for Blockchain Infrastructure

  • Avado

    Polkadot node deployment with consumer hardware

  • OnFinality

    OnFinality is a Blockchain as a Service platform that makes blockchain infrastructure management easy. You can quickly create Polkadot nodes in seconds on different cloud vendors and manage complex private Polkadot networks using our platform.

  • Ontology

    A blockchain for self-sovereign ID and Data

  • Ankr

    Deploy a Blockchain Node in Minutes

  • OriginTrail

    Origin Trail is a 100% Decentralized, Open-source, Knowledge Graph solution, allowing infinite scaling of data, which can be shared both publicly and privately, to be utilized for supply chain and digital twin identity solutions

  • Bluzelle

    Bluzelle is the decentralized database for web3.

  • t3rn

    A protocol for blockchain interoperability

  • Mask Network

    The Portal to the new,open Internet.

  • NDNLink

    NDN Link builds a data centric next generation technology relying on the Named Data Networking (NDN) project, with the mission of promoting the development of next-generation Internet applications and services.

  • Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam

    Polkadot Ecosystem PromoTeam We are the international team of Polkadot fans with experience in different activities– sales growing, business communications and strategy, promotion, advertising, mathematics, programming, entrepreneurship and others.

  • Web3 Capital

    Web3 Capital is a decentralized venture capital fund focusing on investing in polkadote/kusama cosystem projects.

  • RareLink

    Create a decentralized access-control gateway

  • Saito Network

    Saito is an open network layer for Web3. A platform that lets users run blockchain applications in their browsers without closed plugins, private APIs or non-open infrastructure.

  • Apron Network

    Apron Network is a decentralized infrastructure service built on Polkadot, provide API service for DApp developers, DApp users and infrastructure operators.

  • is an open-source crosschain decentralize cloud project. It provides decentralized databases (inc. file storage), computation and a DID framework. You can think of as a decentralized AWS or firebase. is compatible with Substrate.

  • API Protocol

    API Protocol is Web 3.0 API Economic infrastructure.A new generation of decentralized web API connector protocol for Web 3.0 applications, designed to make web 3.0 APIs easier to find, access , use,develop Web 3.0 applications more easily and efficiently

  • Web3 Venture Capital

    WEB3 Venture Capital investment is dedicated to investing in WEB3.0 ecological projects, focusing on the Polkadot ecological and decentralized financial DeFi

  • polkaswitch

    Cross-chain Liquidity Built for Traders. Powered by Polkadot

  • Petrock Capital

    Petrock Capital aims to maximise value creation by investing in and supporting breakthrough blockchain technologies that are backed by strong teams and communities.

  • SubQuery

    Transform and Query the world’s data for a Web3 future

  • Rhodus Capital

    Rhodus Capital provides blockchain node infrastructure to projects building in the Polkadot ecosystem along with participating in blockchain governance systems and providing seed funding for Polkadot based projects.

  • Moondot Capital

    Moondot Capital is dedicated to investing in open-source, Web 3.0 decentralized finance projects built atop the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem.

  • The Graph

    APIs for a vibrant decentralized future

  • Kryptonite Capital

    Kryptonite Capital challenges and drives the web 3 development and the decentralised open economy. Reaching out to DLT pioneers.

  • Dora Factory

    Dora Factory is a programmable DAO-as-a-Service infrastructure on Substrate. Crucial on-chain governance schemes can be built on the infrastructure as pallets by developers, who will be rewarded in a SaaS model when DAOs deploy these pallets.

  • PolkaName

    PolkaName will verify the implementation and application of domain identity on Polkadot based on the PICP 2001 protocol, interoperate with more identity protocols, and create a more convenient Web 3.0 world entrance!

  • DOT Mog

    SubstrateNetApi .NET Standard API (nuget) allowing full substrate integration in Unity3D for gaming development.The team built their first game out of this, Dogmot.

  • Polkaregistry

    Trustless and free identity registrar for Polkadot and Kulupu.

  • Nutbox

    We are a community incubator based on staking + DeFi infrastructure. We create community tokens to help communities with/without coding capabilities build their own community funds.

  • PolkaDomain

    Polka.Domain is an interoperable and decentralized blockchain naming service with an integrated domain and NFT marketplace built on Polkadot.

  • ORAO Network

    ORAO is a data agnostic oracle network that supports multiple blockchains providing proactive data rating and computation capabilities.


    ZERO.IO is the metachain and interop network for videogames and content creators, providing asset, finance, computation.

  • SEOR Network

    SEOR Network is the next generation of decentralized Web3.0 application technology development infrastructure, aims to provide users and developers of Web3.0 with an easy-to-use blockchain technology development platform.

  • Ajuna Network

    The ecosystem for gamers and creators

  • Authtrail

    Authtrail is a SaaS platform that provides contract-based integrity to enterprise data. Deployed on a cloud, it periodically anchors data fingerprints to the blockchain to ensure data integrity while increasing performance and decreasing transaction costs.

  • Bison Trails

    Bison Trails provides a suite of easy-to-use infrastructure products and services on multiple blockchains. The mission is to advance the crypto ecosystem with secure and reliable infrastructure.

  • Subspace Network

    The Subspace Network is a scalable platform for storage and computation designed to maximize vertical and horizontal scalability without compromising security or decentralization by combining its own novel PoAS consensus algorithm

  • Pinknode

    Pinknode seeks to build a novel infrastructure layer to projects building on the Polkadot ecosystem by providing node-as-a-service solutions enabling access to high quality, secure and reliable network data.

  • Polkadot Name System (PNS)

    PNS is a decentralized domain name system built with Substrate, an infrastructure for Polka-eco. You can use a .dot domain name to support smart contracts, domain names, wallets, and NFTs, etc., thereby creating your very own digital identity for Web 3.0.

  • Sisoco Labs

    London Based Management Consulting Firm Specializing in Global Deal Origination & Business Development Services for Ultra High Net Worth Individuals and Family Offices. We Invest Into Polka Projects.

  • subsquid

    An open-source framework for building powerful and tailored GraphQL APIs for your blockchain state history.

  • logion network

    A public blockchain managed by a decentralized network of legal officers that provides legal protection for all digital assets and digital transactions

  • Polkashots

    A repository of Polkadot node database snapshots - regularly updated and fast to download from anywhere in the world.

  • CESS

    Cumulus Encrypted Storage System.

  • NETISE Network

    Netise is the world’s leading provider of open-source solutions, employing not only blockchain technology, but a peer-to-peer network for decentralized data storage services for all users and digital assets.

  • RadiumBlock

    Facilitating next generation blockchains by tailoring reliable and affordable Proof of Stake nodes and staking solutions.

  • Dwellir

    Dwellir provides RPC/API endpoints which makes it easy for developers and parachains to build on Polka. We operate our own bare-metal which improves decentralisation and delivers best-in-class uptime and reduced latency.

  • Mayhem Nodes

    Mayhem Nodes provides professional grade, reliable Proof-of-Stake (PoS) infrastructure focused on supporting the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems. We combine the dependability of industry grade security, with our vision of engagement and educational content.

  • DataHub (by Figment)

    DataHub lets developers use the most powerful and unique features of a blockchain without having to become protocol experts. We provide reliable access to the RPC and REST APIs of our supported protocols for both the latest mainnets and testnets.

  • Satori

    Satori is the first on-chain derivatives protocol built on Polkadot, helping investors unlock the full potential of DOT with access to their own, dedicated platform.

  • Acurast

    Acurast has reimagined the concept of bringing off-chain data on-chain, creating a platform where developers can access real world data within their applications through a streamlined marketplace with the advantages of trusted execution environments.

  • Privhost

    Privhost provides public Polkadot, Kusama and Edgeware nodes with tor .onion v3 support.

  • Parasnaps

    Multi-region snapshot solution to enable sub 5 minute validator bootstrap

  • JS API Client

    Original implementation by Parity

  • Java API Client

    Java APIs around Polkadot and any Substrate-based chain RPC calls

  • C++ API Client

    C++ API for Polkadot

  • Rust API Client

    Library for connecting to substrate API over WebSockets

  • Python API Client

    Not a pure implementation, but the Polkascan team created a wrapper to the JS code

  • Rust SCALE Codecs

    Lightweight, efficient, binary serialization and deserialization codec

  • JS SCALE Codecs

    Implementation of the types and their (de-)serialisation via SCALE codec.

  • Java SCALE Codecs

    SCALE Codecs - Java

  • Go SCALE Codecs

    SCALE Codecs - Go

  • Python SCALE Codecs

    Python SCALE-Codec Library

  • Substrate

    The foundation for blockchain innovators.

  • Rust Playground

    Rust Web IDE

  • Runtime Verification

    Build executable K specifications of the SRML

  • Vue-Polkadot

    Vue JS components for Polkadot JS apps

  • substrate-api-client

    Library for connecting to the substrate's RPC interface via WebSockets

  • C# API for Polkadot

    .NET Developer's access to Polkadot

  • Cumulus

    A set of tools for writing Polkadot parachains that are based on Substrate.


    Substrate RPC client for go aka GSRPC

  • substraTEE

    substraTEE is an extension to Parity Substrate, allowing to call a custom state transition function (STF) inside a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), namely an Intel SGX enclave thereby providing confidentiality and integrity.

  • Substrate playground

    Start hacking your substrate runtime in a web based VSCode like IDE

  • ink! playground

    ink! playground is the browser IDE for Substrate's smart contract(srml-contract).

  • ink!-remix-plugin

    ink! remix plugin

  • Substrate Builders Program

    The Substrate Builders Program brings you many value adds.

  • Substrate Account Set

    A Substrate pallet for account-level permissioning.

  • Substrate Validator Set

    A Substrate pallet to add/remove validators in Substrate-based PoA networks.

  • Substrate Pallet Template

    Template for a Substrate pallet which lives as its own crate so it can be imported into multiple other runtimes. It is based on the "template" pallet which is included with the Substrate node template.

  • Polkalert API Explorer

    Browser substrate chain API and run tests.

  • Open Source Polkadot Stack

    The goal of this page is to provide an overview of the open-source Polkadot/Kusama Tech Stack. At the moment it's a work-in-progress.

  • Substrate Indexing Engine

    Indexing engine for Substrate-based blockchains. Supports siphoning data from RocksDB into PostgreSQL.

  • Frontier

    Frontier is Substrate's Ethereum compatibility layer. It allows you to run unmodified Ethereum dapps.

  • Sidecar

    REST API service intended to run next to Substrate, exposing a limited set of endpoints over HTTP with meaningful responses.

  • Hydra

    A smooth way to provide powerful GraphQL queries to app developers over your Substrate blockchain state and history.

  • Polkadot Launch

    Simple CLI tool to launch a local Polkadot test network.

  • Halva suite

    Truffle for Substrate

  • Web 3.0 Bootcamp

    Six-month bootcamp for teams building for Web 3.0

  • SubstrateIDE

    Substrate IDE can help developers quickly build Substrate-based blockchains.

  • Threshold ECDSA

    Threshold BLS Randomness Beacon for Substrate

  • Creator

    Mobile Game Framework for Substrate

  • Sunshine Identity Module

    implementation of Keybase Local Key Security on substrate, using ipfs-rust/ipfs-embed

  • Substrate Marketplace

    Where blockchain innovators discover & share reusable pallets & tools for use with Parity Substrate, the open-source Blockchain framework. Recently Updated

  • Substrate Faucet

    Substrate Faucet with Discord Bot and Node.js

  • awesome-substrate

    Awesome lists are curated lists of awesome projects and resources concerning a topic, a programming language, a technology, etc.

  • Substrate - VSCode extension

    Manage your node, runtime, browse and install pallets, manage your accounts and your smart contracts within VSCode.

  • Substrate.swift

    Swift APIs for Polkadot and any Substrate-based chain.

  • Subscript

    Substrate smart contract api and sdk in AssemblyScript

  • Jobs for Substrate developers

    Jobs page that enables anyone to post or find a job in the Substrate ecosystem. - DOTJobs: - KSMJobs:

  • substrate-test-runner

    Allows you to test Migrations Runtime Upgrades Pallets and general runtime functionality.

  • Substrate Migrations

    A repository of Substrate runtime migrations.

  • Resource on Governance in Substrate-based chains

    Document how different components for governance can interact with eachother within Substrate.

  • AssemblyScript SCALE Codecs

    Lightweight, efficient, binary serialization and deserialization codec used in Substrate-based chains

  • Subsembly

    Framework for building AssemblyScript based runtimes.

  • substrate-stencil

    Substrate Stencil is a node template that starts out with BABE and Grandpa instead of Aura.

  • Ruby SCALE Codec & Substrate client Libraries

    This is a SCALE codec library implemented in ruby language for general use. It contains the implementation of low-level data formats, various substrate types, metadata support, and a substrate API client.

  • Sube

    Simple, lightweight, WASM friendly client library and cli to SUBmit Extrinsics and query the chain state of substrate based chains. It doesn't depend on your runtime.


    BEEFY (Bridge Efficiency Enabling Finality Yielder) is a secondary protocol running along GRANDPA Finality to support efficient bridging with non-Substrate blockchains, currently mainly ETH mainnet.

  • OpenBrush

    OpenBrush is a library for smart contract development on ink!

  • Substrate Stackexchange area

    Substrate Stackexchange area

  • Substrate Connect

    Substrate connect provides a way to interact with substrate based blockchains in the browser without using an RPC server.

  • Validators

    Blockchain staking service - Earn rewards on your crypto holdings.

  • POS Bakerz


  • melea

    We operate nodes in Proof of Stake for more than 2 years, guaranteed 99.91% upload time and never double sign. Winners of the "Game of stakes" game, category never jailed. Originals Validator AkA validators that operate nodes from the first testnet.

  • PureStake

    Premium blockchain infrastructure, API, and validator services for Proof of Stake networks

  • cp0x

    Stake servers from enthusiasts.

  • Staker Space

    Secure-validator for polkadot, etc

  • stakefish

    stakefish is a validator and node operator for blockchain projects that are using Proof of Stake or some form of staking. These projects will incentivize token holders to lock up or stake their tokens to contribute to the overall security of their network.

  • P2P.ORG - P2P Validator

    Secure Non-Custodial Staking


    Staking provider in awesome networks

  • Stakin

    Stakin is an infrastructure operator for Proof-of-Stake (PoS) public blockchains. We operate secure, reliable and efficient nodes on selected PoS protocols, enabling our delegators to earn rewards without any custody on their funds.


    Independent validator on several POS networks

  • Swiss Staking

    Swiss Staking has been participating in the validating role since 2018. With over 700 days of staking experience we offer a highly secure and stable validator. We are based in Zug, Switzerland.

  • Radiance_9

    Radiance_9 is a public validator for polkadot network


    Polkadot.Pro is a Polkadot and Substrate Validators Services for startups, testnets.


    Founded in 2017, IOSG Ventures is a research-driven venture capital focusing on Open Finance, Web 3.0, and cross-chain industry.

  • Chorus One

    Chorus One provides on staking services and develops cross-chain interoperability protocols.

  • Everstake

    Everstake - Staking Service Platform

  • Staked Tech

    Staked Tech provides secure Non-Custodial Staking service for blockchain investors to compound their cryptocurrency staking investments. Stake your tokens to receive passive interest while we guarantee security and uptime.

  • Figment Networks

    Based in Canada, serving customers worldwide, Figment Networks is the country’s largest blockchain infrastructure, and services provider. At Figment Networks, our mission is to support the adoption, growth and long term success of the Web 3 ecosystem.

  • Hypersphere Ventures

    Polkadot focused venture capitalist, trading firm, Council Member and validator.

  • PNYX Ventures

    PNYX Ventures is a Polkadot-focused venture fund specialising in early stage investment in substrate-based projects.

  • Stateless.Money

    Stateless.Money is an independent Proof-of-Stake infrastructure provider operated by long-time cryptofinance enthusiasts in pursuit of a free and decentralized future.

  • Polkadot Weekly

    Polkadot Weekly is a community trusted validator. Our mission is to spread Polkadot to the greater crypto ecosystem and to provide the Polkadot community with the latest critical updates.

  • XiaMi Pool

    XiaMiPool providing a stable, secure, transparent and open business platform for cryptocurrency holders

  • Stakekeeping

    Hi, we are a project running validators. Our goal to help keep Polkadot network reliable and secure by running trusted validators. Thanks!


    The highest demands on ourselves, for the highest level of transparency and security for our customers.

  • DelegaNetworks validator (Kusama & Polkadot)

    DelegaNetworks is a validator focused on hispanic community, one of the first ambassadors, contributing to the Polkadot ecosystem since 2016 with translations, meetups, podcasts, workshops. Maintaining nodes since then in all Polkadot and Kusama networks.

  • DragonStake

    We are trusted Validator on main Proof-of-Stake Networks Proud genesis block participant and long time testnets supporter

  • Stakeflow

    Stakeflow is a reliable and secure non-custodial validator that has been running since 2018. We focus on providing public goods for our delegators and supported chains.


    We deliver all possible options for Proof-of-Stake tokens in the Polkadot ecosystem. We provide Validator Services to all POS Polkadot projects bringing you the possibility to stake Your tokens like $DOT $KSM $FIS $PCX $HDX with other networks coming.

  • Polkadotters

    Polkadotters is a Czech-based community that runs validators for all the different networks and testnets in the Polkadot space. We live and breathe for the Polkadot ecosystem and our validation is only part of the service we want to provide to everyone!

  • True Staking

    We are a group of engineers dedicated to creating fast, secure, and dependable validation nodes that support the future of web 3.0.

  • Stake Link

    StakeLink is a trusted Proof-of-Stake infrastructure provider and validator of Polkadot. Our goal is to LINK the end-users and institucionals to the blockchain community and help to develop with trust and security the evolution of the next internet.

  • MetaStake

    Highly available, scalable & secure Validator-as-a-Service for everyone.

  • RockX

    RockX is a global blockchain node network & gateway to access Web3, offering institutional-grade solutions & a full suite of developer tools for users to stake & build on all major PoS blockchains. RockX has access nodes on over 20 layer 1 and 2 protocols

  • Polkascan

    A Multi-Chain Block Explorer

  • Protos

    Open Source Node Explorer

  • Telemetry

    Node Status Explorer


    Substrate based blockchain explorer

  • PolkaStats

    Polkadot network statistics (Kusama and Alexander). Shows network information and staking details from validators and intentions.

  • PolkaCube

    Validator, Reward, Slash records

  • Polka Analytics

    Polkadot Validator Data

  • Polkadash

    The Polkadot Dashboard

  • Polka Pulse

    Experimental visualization of different Kusama time periods. Outer glow size depends on the number of events included in the last block.

  • YieldScan

    A tool for easy filtering through validator candidates based on parameters like collusion resistance, commission, past slashes, estimated profit.

  • Polka Index

    This tool helps to keep track of tokens built on Substrate or heavily involved in Polkadot ecosystem. It is a curated list with basic due diligence, so please contact us if you find something wrong or missing, thank you !

  • doTreasury

    A treasury explorer by OpenSquare

  • polkaview

    polkadot and kusama stats for current era minimum stake to get rewards and min/max stake backings for validators

  • DotScanner

    DotScanner is a next-generation blockchain explorer for Polkadot and other substrate-based networks

  • statescan

    statescan is an asset explorer for Kusama and Pokadot asset parachains like Statemine and Statemint, developed by OpenSquare.

  • Polkawatch

    Polkadot decentralization analytics

  • Polkaholic

    Blockchain explorer

  • DotScan

    All info in this site is purely educational and should only be used to inform your own research. We're not offering investment advice, endorsement of any project or approach, or promise of any outcome.

  • Web3 Foundation Forum

    A place to discuss the Web3 stack.

  • Kusama Forum

    Kusama is an experimental community research and development network.

  • PolkaWorld

    The world's largest Polkadot Chinese community, and the Chinese operating partner of the Web3 Foundation.

  • Polkamon

    波卡丘技术社区,专注于 Substrate 和 Polkadot 生态

  • Taiwan Polkadot Forum



    Multi-chain governance platform and forum for Edgeware, Kusama and other chains.

  • PolkaBase

    Leverage avant-garde scientific research to empower developers and end users of the Polkadot ecosystem

  • Relay Chain

    A podcast on blockchain development & building the decentralized web

  • Polkassembly

    An open-source platform to vote and discuss governance proposals, motions, and referenda. You can signup, link a kusama address and edit your proposals description and title.

  • DotLeap

    A fortnightly-ish newsletter about all things Web 3.0 from the Polkadot side

  • Polkadot Thailand (Unofficial Website)

    Polkadot Thailand (Unofficial Website)

  • PolkaTalk

    PolkaTalk is a forum where Polkadot development and projects can be freely discussed.

  • Polkadot Bullets

    Fundamental bullets for hunting (big gains) in the Polkadot ecosystem!

  • Energy Web - Spanish Community

    Spanish Unofficial EnergyWeb Community. $EWT

  • Sora - Spanish Community

    Spanish Unofficial Sora/Soramitsu Community. $XOR

  • Energy Web - German Community

    German Community of Energy web Token.

  • Polkaswap - Spanish Community

    Spanish Polkaswap Community. $PSWAP

  • Polka.Warriors

    UnOfficial Community of PolkaDot in Vietnam

  • Accepted W3F Grant Applications

    This page gives an overview of accepted grants and a link to their GitHubs. Keep in mind that not all of the accepted grants have already delivered software.

  • subnotif

    A Twitter bot notifying you of important Polkadot on-chain events

  • Robonomics - Spanish Community

    Spanish Robonomics Community. $XRT $RWS

  • Robonomics Forum

    Secure, сost-effective, and futuristic IoT platform for connecting robotics under Polkadot and Ethereum control.

  • Polka Center

    Our aim is to remain an independent, community driven Polkadot related forum where everyone’s voice is heard equally. We will continue to develop the forum and introduce free to use tools and services that fill voids in the DOT ecosystem.

  • Polkadot Korea

    Community of Polkadot in Korea. 폴카닷 한국 커뮤니티입니다.

  • CoinAsk

    CoinAsk is a paid Q&A forum dedicated in building a collaborative platform for Chinese blockchain and Polkadot ecosystem.

  • TheLowLevelers

    TheLowLevelers is a vibrant non-profit community centered around Polkadot. Our primary aim is to cater to developers seeking a comprehensive understanding of the Polkadot blockchain, providing curated, in-depth materials with a low-level approach.

  • ink! Smart Contrack Workshop

    Learn to build smart contracts with Parity ink!

  • Substrate Tutorial Catalog

    Let's learn together!

  • Parity China Workshop

    Deploying a Substrate blockchain to a private network

  • Composing a Substrate Runtime from Modules

    Build your blockchain today

  • Substrate Collectables Workshop

    Learn to build blockchains with Parity Substrate

  • Polkadot.js Examples

    Learn how to use polkadot-js

  • Substrate Collaborative Learning

    Substrate Seminar is an open Collaborative Learning call where we learn about Substrate together.

  • Polkadot Wiki Examples

    Examples are helpful to demonstrate patterns of development. In this repository is collected some open source examples which will may be helpful for developers.

  • Substrate Seminar

    Substrate Seminar is an open Collaborative Learning call where we learn about Substrate together. We meet every Tuesday at 14:00UTC. Ask for help, show off your project, learn Substrate, and make friends!

  • Substrate Developer Hub

    Docs Recipes Tutorials Community

  • Web3 Mooc

    Web3 Foundation’s “Blockchain Fundamentals” course starting April 8th – a completely free course that teaches blockchain from the very basics all the way up to building your own blockchain.

  • ParityTech CN Videos

    ParityTech CN Videos on Bilibili

  • Crowdcast

    Polkadot events on

  • Parity Technologies - Youtube

    Parity Technologies Videos on Youtube

  • Web3 Foundation - Youtube

    Web3 Foundation is building an internet where users are in control of their own data, identity and destiny. Our primary project is the Polkadot project.

  • Polkadot / Kusama Comics

    A visual guide for #Polkadot and parachains

  • Polkadot News

    News Channel, Weekly news digest, "Short about" blog, describing Polkadot ecosystem projects.

  • SubstrateCourse

    Substrate online course

  • MVP Workshop

    One of the pioneers of blockchain product development in Europe.

  • Polkaswap

    Polkaswap is a non custodial cross chain AMM DEX designed uniquely for the Polkadot ecosystem and hosted on the SORA v2 network.


    MANTRA DAO is a community governed DeFi platform focusing on staking, lending, and governance.

  • Chads.VC

    CHAD is the first deflationary MEME token built on Polkadot

  • Ren

    Ren is an open protocol that enables the permissionless and private transfer of value between any blockchain.

  • Polkastarter

    Polkastarter is a permissionless DEX built for cross-chain token pools and auctions, enabling projects to raise capital on a decentralized and interoperable environment based on Polkadot.

  • LocalCoinSwap

    LocalCoinSwap is a decentralized P2P cryptocurrency exchange enabling an easy, secure, and private fiat to crypto on/off-ramp.

  • PAID Network

    A decentralized ecosystem designed to redefine the civil legal system, creating a new approach to how we do business with one another utilizing proprietary SMART Agreements, a community-governed arbitration system, reputation scoring and DeFI tools.

  • Web3 Analytics

    The W3A SDK supports fast completion of buried point behaviors by using no buried point technology. Even if TEE blockchain technology is used, it will not delay your work efficiency

  • Demodyfi

    Demodyfi is a decentralized finance platform with a vision to bring financial stability, liquidity and accessibility to the mainstream.

  • dTrade

    Decentralised perpetuals and options trading powered by Parity Substrate, backed by @polychain

  • SpiderDAO

    Our vision is to bring unparalleled online privacy to end-users. As a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO), we address the shortcomings of current DAO frameworks. We do so through a multi-layered governance setup based on hardware and software

  • OptionRoom

    OptionRoom is a user governed oracle and forecast market protocol built on Polkadot.

  • Poolz Finance

    Poolz is a decentralized swapping protocol for cross-chain token pools, IDO, as well as OTC deals. The core code is optimized for DAO ecosystems, enabling blockchain companies to raise capital in decentralize way.

  • Linear Finance

    Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol to cost-effectively and instantly create, manage, and trade synthetic assets with unlimited liquidity.

  • KodaDot NFT

    KodaDot will bring mobile-first implementation for Kusama and other Substrate chains and later will have smart contracts that will run breakthrough NFT 2.0 protocol on top of chains with contracts pallett

  • NFTMart

    NFTMart is developed based on Substrate, the first decentralized NFT transaction public chain in the world. It is committed to providing professional, low gas with NFT issuance, transaction, investment and other services for users.

  • KwikSwap Protocol

    KwikSwap is a revolutionary Swap Protocol with Layer 2 Scaling powered by Ethereum, Polkadot and Plasm. KwikSwap Protocol V2 on Polkadot / Plasm will be on Dusty testnet shortly. User can trade with next to no fees and at lightning speeds!

  • Polkalaunch

    Polkalaunch provides a competitive swap environment, auction and guaranteed liquidity for traders.

  • Polkasocial

    PolkaSocial is a Polkadot powered social network platform & marketplace. Network, follow peers, influencers, create company pages, livestream, play games, buy and sell on the marketplace and much more!

  • PatraStore

    Polkadot multi-chain DApp market.

  • Plethori

    Plethori is the first decentralized cross-chain investment platform for the trading and creation of trustless ETFs giving access to investment into entire ecosystems in DeFi to take advantage of the changing trends in cryptocurrency.

  • Polkafoundry

    Nft Auction Marketplaces + Open Lending Platform + Crosscahin Dex + Decentralized Insurance + Prediction Markets + Defi Derrivatives

  • Polkamarkets Labs

    Polkamarkets is a DeFi-Powered Prediction Market built for cross-chain information exchange and trading where users take positions on outcomes of real world events–in a decentralized and interoperable platform based on Polkadot.

  • PolkaEX

    Cross-chain liquidity Integration platform Powered By Polkadot

  • TrustFi Network

    TrustFi Network is a decentralized DeFi market liquidity promotion and DAO incentive solution built on web 3.0 and Polkadot, centering on the liquidity of on-chain assets, to unlock the potential of DeFi market liquidity.

  • Kanaria

    Kanaria is the world's first NFT ICO framework

  • Polkatrain

    Polkadot based IDO platform

  • Treasureland is an aggregated NFT trading venue, initiated by DEGO DAO with a focus on NFT education and trading, auction, mining, building the eBay of Blockchain.

  • DARK

    DARK is a DeCommerce (decentralized e-commerce) DApp built with Substrate.

  • RAI Finance

    RAI Finance is a Defi project based on the Polkadot. Combined with Polkadot’s cross-chain technology, RAI Finance aims to provide solutions to the existing decentralized financial ecosystem to solve insufficient liquidity and the creation of DeFi assets.

  • Open Emoji Battler

    Open Emoji Battler is an open-sourced indie blockchain game led by the community. This is the first playable game in the Polkadot ecosystem using Substrate blockchain framework. It's a browser auto-battler game running on-chain.

  • GameDAO

    GameDAO is a community owned cooperative providing fundraising, coordination and ownership protocols, bringing hybrid finance and dao to videogames, creators, and the esports economy.

  • Ceres

    Ceres is one of the first fully developed projects on Sora blockchain - future Polkadot parachain. First DeFi services and utility token on Polkaswap (Cross-chain exchange on Polkadot) and Sora (XOR) ecosystem.

  • Sub.ID

    Sub.ID is the one stop shop to see all of your addresses and balances, crowdloan contribution information, and NFTs across all of the various Substrate-based chains.

  • Lamdamoon Metaverse

    An experimental high end NFT game powered by Moonbeam/Polkadot and Unreal Engine 5.

  • CheersLand

    CheersLand is an expandable GameFi universe where anyone can monetize their gaming experiences and social networks,which is composed of multi-game combinations, Ranking List, Initial Gaming Offering, NFT Market, Multi-asset Staking Platform, etc..

  • Yuser

    The first NFT social app

  • PolkaFantasy

    The BEST Japanese #NFT Cross-Chain Marketplace & Multiverse #PlayToEarn games.

  • PolkaBridge

    Multichain & Cross-chain Decentralized All-in-one Financial Application Platform

  • CryptoSpells

    Popular Blockchain card game in Japan

  • myNFT

    The marketplace that puts the power back in your hands.

  • Mosaic Bridge

    Cross-chain bridge

  • Reitio

    Reitio is an Autonomous Virtual Market Protocol built to unlock the Metaverse for everyone through facilitation of commerce across virtual worlds in a decentralised and interoperable platform.

  • PolkaSeed

    PolkaSeed is the first decentralized multi-chain IDO platform for crypto projects on Polkadot and Kusama Parachain. PolkaSeed will empower investors and allow cryptocurrency projects creators to provide token sales for upcoming crypto launches.

  • Colorpad

    Colorpad is a Web3.0 project and launchpad platform based on the metaverse.

  • Equilibrium

    Equilibrium is a cross-chain DeFi super-app that combines a money market and a spot market with margin trading. The platform performs the full gamut of DeFi functions from pooled lending and synthetic asset generation to decentralized trading.

  • Attarius

    Attarius Network - the first and only all-in-one NFT ecosystem for game industry.

  • MetaRock

    Metarock is a decentralised Commerce (DeCom) platform built using the RMRK 1.0 standard. It inspires to be the first blockchain agnostic marketplace for physical assets in the Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem.

  • Sirius Finance

    A cross-chain stablecoin AMM, attracting and locking value through stablecoins with low-slippage trading costs, attractive APY for liquidity providers on Astar Network, and allowing for more financial innovations or yield enhancements for Astar users.

  • Orcus Finance

    Orcus Finance is delivering the first Fractional-Algorithmic Stablecoin pegged to the United States dollar which is built on the Astar Network.

  • Downtown Moonbeam

    Shedding light on all things happening in the Moonbeam ecosystem

  • Algem

    Algem is the native liquid staking DeFi dApp on top of Astar Network offering new ways for ASTR users and holders to earn more.

  • Dotpad

    DOTPad provides a unified crowdfunding platform for all things Substrate, giving future Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem projects a means to bootstrap their development, grow their userbase, and fast-track their development.

  • Collectify

    An NFT-as-a-Service(NaaS) Platform Empowering NFT Creators


    A marketplace for everyone: gamers, artists, collectors, buidlers, creators, enthusiasts.

  • StellaSwap

    StellaSwap is a hybrid DEX that features a standard, stable & concentrated liquidity AMM to facilitate the most optimal price discovery for assets on Polkadot.


这里我们先定义一下「波卡生态」,由于波卡主网目前还没有上线,所以我们现在所说的波卡生态,一般是指广义的波卡生态,可以包括波卡、Substrate、Kusama 甚至 Web3.0 生态。


Web3 Foundation Grant Program

这个是由 Web3 基金会发起,会对一些开源的 Web3 技术栈的项目进行资助,目前已经发放 6 期。


如果你想关注 Web3 基金会 Grant 的进展或者申请 Grant,赶紧收藏这个网站:

Substrate Builder Program

这个是由 Parity 推出的项目,针对使用 Substrate 开发的团队进行各方面的指导和帮助。目前正在进行第一期。



Web3.0 Bootcamp

Web3.0 Bootcamp 是 Web3 基金会、Parity 和万向区块链实验室联合打造的孵化营,旨在为 Polkadot 生态打造基于 Substrate 开发的区块链平台和落地应用。目前正在第一期项目招募中,PolkaWorld 也会第一时间公布项目入选名单!


2、有没有使用 Substrate 技术框架

Substrate 是波卡开发过程中抽象出来的区块链技术框架,使用了 Substrate 框架的项目可以轻松地接入波卡网络成为平行链。

所以大家可以去项目方的 Github 上找代码来看看哦。这里我拿 Acala Network 举例:

第一步:打开 github 官网

第二步:在左上角的搜索框搜索 Acala Network

第三步:选择打开 Acala Network,显示有关于 Substrate 代码的更新,也能看到提交代码的频次。


如果你不会查看一个项目是否用了 Substrate 来开发,那可以直接联系 PolkaWorld 来帮助你查询哦!


如果某个项目参加了波卡的相关活动,并在活动上分享了自己关于 Substrate 开发的经验,那么它八九不离十是波卡生态项目了。


波卡比较正式和大型的线下活动包括以下四类,大家可以在以下网站查看项目方是否参与了有关波卡或者 Substrate 相关分享。

Polkadot 生态会议「DotCon」

Substrate 开发者大会「Sub0」、「Sub0.1」因为疫情影响,最新一次的 Sub0 活动将在 4 月 28 日在线上举办。)

Web 3.0 建设者会议「Web3 Summit」

在世界各地举办的「Polkadot Meetup」

Polkadot Crowdcast 线上研讨会

线上研讨会主要是 Polkadot 官方在 Crowdcast(一个第三方的直播平台)上开设的线上直播分享,除了波卡官方自己分享的有关 Substrate、Polkadot、Kusama 的内容,一般还会邀请波卡生态项目来分享他们的最近进展,比如最新开设的 Web3 Builders 系列直播,就邀请了很多生态项目进行分享和展示!



一方面可以看 Polkadot、Kusama、Parity、Web3 基金会的博客、Twitter、Youtube、Podcast 里有没有提到过这个项目,或者有没有进行过一些转发、点赞的互动。


Blog 账号



Medium 账号

Web3 基金会:

Polkadot :

Gavin Wood:

Twitter 账号




Web3 基金会:@web3foundation


Polkadot 会经常发有关波卡生态项目 Acala 的信息

Youtube 账号




Web3 基金会:




另外也可以关注 PolkaWorld,我们是全球最大的波卡中文社区,也是唯一一个获得了 Web3 基金会社区类 Grant ,可以说绝大多数国内的波卡生态项目我们都报道过。


可以进入 Substrate、Polkadot 和 Kusama 的 Riot 群(Riot 是官方的聊天室,Gavin 经常出没的地方


Substrate Riot 聊天室:!

Polkadot Riot 聊天室:!

Kusama Riot 聊天室:!


一个深度参与波卡生态的项目,基本这五条都有参与,在波卡还没有正式上线的现阶段,一般加入波卡生态的项目都会从使用 Substrate 技术框架开始。所以成为波卡生态项目的其中一种路径可以总结为:

1、首先使用 Substrate 进行开发

2、申请 Web3 基金会的 grant

3、申请加入 Substrate Builder Program / Web3.0 Bootcamp





如果用了以上几个方法,还是拿不准某个项目到底是不是波卡生态的,那么还可以使用老办法,到 PolkaWorld 社区来问我们。可以在公众号后台留言提问,也可以在公众号中回复 “1” 进入我们的微信群来提问。

最后,我们在 Github 上建立了一个波卡生态项目库,任何波卡生态的项目都可以提交信息,PolkaWorld 在进行核实之后,会不定期筛选一些新项目进行社区支持,包括但不限于进行专访、帮助开展社区活动等。



