互联网 · 2016-07-01 14:20:00

Tau-Chain是一个去中心化的点对点网络,由一个去中心化算力市场衍生而来,Tau是一种特殊的编程语言。Ohad asor是从2015年初就全职投入到该项目中的开发者,他这样解释:“Tau就像一个去中心化的App Store,允许运行来自Tau链的应用程序。”Tau也像一个去中心化的GitHub,因为它的可判定性,它还具备进一步扩展的能力,而这是与图灵完备的语言最重要的差别。

在前不久的The DAO被攻击事件发生后,以太坊可能存在的潜在安全风险得到了前所未有的关注。一位资深区块链开发者说:以太的初衷是靠按步数收费来避免无限循环,来做到不必依靠代码审核。The DAO出问题的部分代码非常简单,还远远算不上复杂的逻辑,看出问题也很容易。这次的事件涉及了以太的根基,以太的自动化发布合约仅仅关注了无限循环问题,很多特征都是围绕步数收费理念做的,但这可能是错误的方向。


同样,Ohad asor认为,



同时, Ohad透露,已经有一些IT巨头尝试联系他们,开发团队也已经从VC融资,不打算在公共链项目上盈利。待公共链成功后,可为企业开发私链,可获得更多的可持续的收入。


8btc:请简单的说明一下Tau-Chain是什么? Tau-Chain与以太坊的区别是什么?请用不懂技术的读者也能理解的方式进行说明。

Ohad Asor : Tau is a unique programming language that contains a built-in blockchain and DHT networks. The Tau-chain is able to generalise any collaborative work. It provides ultimate information sharing capabilities, with rich ways to query data, infer new information, and act collaboratively. It may serve as a universal source of trustable information,
as a collaborative source of knowledge, source code, and rules, in a form that is both machine and human readable and processable. It offers a ground in which sciences can be unified, and, more importantly, people’s thoughts can be met and unified cleanly.

The differences between Tau-Chain and Ethereum are mainly three:
• Self defining (see image). Bitcoins and Ethereum protocols are fixed, therefore it cannot be changed in many cases, or a changes might require a fork which might be a quite insecure operation. As an example, what if someone finds a better blockchain algorithm, would Ethereum & Bitcoin be able to migrate? Or, what if Bitcoin had a built-in and secure way to deal with the block size crisis, as a special case of defining the protocol? The network should have the ability to change with time. Any trial to predict the parameters beforehand will eventually fail. For that, the code of the client itself has to come from the blockchain, and we have to be able to make sure that this code is safe, and is doing what is intended to do. This is why for being self-defining we must have our special logic, as we describe below.
• Context separation – on Ethereum all nodes run the same code. What can therefore be the computational power of the whole Ethereum network (for code, not mining)? It cannot be no more than one single home computer. This is because all nodes must run exactly same code, as part of the process of verifying the blockchain. On Tau every user can decide which chain or application to run, given they all run the root chain, which contains the definition of the network (that might change with time, as above).
Logic: Ethereum uses Turing completeness, while Tau prefers consistency and decidability instead of expressibility. This tradeoff is rooted in deep logical results such as Godel’s incompleteness theorems and the Halting Problem. Trust worthiness in Ethereum smart contracts can be exploited by crafted inputs, there can be both good and bad inputs so eventually highly unexpected behaviors will come along.
Tau uses a logic which is consistent and decidable (specifically, Martin-Lof Type Theory). This means that all true statements about code can be proved, and the proofs can be trusted. One can supply requirements for software, and automatically verify that given code meet those requirements. By that one can predetermine code’s behavior and have a mathematical proof that it meets its requirements, so no undesired behavior can possibly happen, as long as it is formalised in Tau’s language.

More advanced explanation: Turing completeness is inherently insecure because make it perfect at the first version. After the network begins to function, it’s too late to fix or improve. As the network is self defining and change with time, it does need to have some fixed core, and the core is the language and its running as a computer program.


Ohad Asor : IDNI stands for Intelligent Decentralized Network Initiatives, as we deal with such kind of technologies. We develop Tau-Chain which is a peer to peer network with a special language, as we’ll describe. Over Tau-Chain we will develop Agoras which is includes a currency and futuristic markets. Later we will develop Routers.Space, an initiative to free and decentralize the internet by sending routers (like phones) to space.



Ohad Asor : We started with a project called Zennet, a public, distributed, and decentralized Supercomputer. The decentralized computer system was to offer the ability to buy or sell idle computer power by or to third parties. These resources were pooled together and could be used for number crunching and other operations. This project was a good lesson for us, but as our scope widened we started the development of a different system with a highly bigger scope. Among the wide array of operations, the new system shall also include all previous operations with much greater flexibility. Tau-Chain was created.

Tau serves as a universal source of trustable information, as a collaborative source of knowledge, source code, and rules, in a form that is both machine and human readable and processable. It offers a ground in which sciences can be unified, and, more importantly, people’s thoughts can be met and unified cleanly. There have not been many changes to the plan, the vision has always been the same whilst creating this system.


mathematically there will be always be infinitely many statements that cannot be neither proved nor disproved. Things can be provably correct or provably wrong at the same time, for example, stating “I’m able to decide whether Turing complete code is secure” (while providing some formal definition of security) is almost always a self-contradictory sentence (cf. Rice theorem).
从数学上讲,有无限多的语句是既无法证明也无法反驳。事物可以同时保证正确或者保证错误。例如,“我能决定是否图灵完整代码是安全的” 这句话几乎总是一个自相矛盾的句子。


Ohad Asor : Some projects try to offer a decidable language dedicated for contracts, but Tau is way more than that. It is meant to be a general purpose programming language, and not only a programming language. It can serve as a universal language that is able to describe any idea without ambiguity and without contradiction, if very simple checks are performed and can be performed by a computer.


Ohad Asor : Agoras is an application over Tau, being first and foremost a smart currency. Like an intelligent assistant running on your computer and following your rules, while being able to communicate with other such peers as well. It can automatically review contracts and decide whether they fit your criterias or not, for example. Business that don’t need a public arena to take place, can take place between two Agoras clients. That thanks to the decidability of the Tau language.


In addition, Agoras will offer several markets besides being merely a currency. The three of them we currently plan to develop are: 另外,Agoras将会作为货币,还会提供几个市场。我们目前计划开发其中的三个: 1. Hiring programmers in our innovative way that eliminates the need of trust. One can publish an automatic reward to whoever writes code that meets given requirements. 2. Renting computational resources, like AWS. This is a huge market being a major bottleneck and such that centralized entities cannot compete with a decentralized network. 3. Intelligent decentralized search engine, like Baidu/Google, but in a way that the database is open to all, therefore queries can be much more complex and informative.





Ohad Asor : It’s quite impossible to predict, but more like months rather years.



Ohad Asor : Fortunately those all ideas come down to writing a compiler to a quite simple programming language. Writing such a compiler isn’t a very big project. But the difficulty is that we have to



Ohad Asor : The Chinese people are very respected and important. We all share the role of making a better future. Tau breaks the language barrier and allows ultimate knowledge sharing between cultures as between different disciplines of science. Since Tau can actually comprehend the ideas expressed in its language, and its language itself is multilingual (you can write Tau code in Chinese characters too, for example, just like the languages of the Semantic Web). You could even ask a question in Chinese, and automatically find an answer given in another language without the need of translation, but only by comparing the structure of the information.



Ohad Asor : Bitcoin’s code can be created or rebuilt in Tau language. As long as the protocol is the same and the communication methods are the same, it is essentially no different than other Bitcoin clients. Much like Bitcoin can be created in c++, c and Java programming languages. To have new features that are incompatible with Bitcoin’s protocol, a different coin will have to be created. And that’s why we do Agoras.
